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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by ROFL BOX

  1. On 5/18/2019 at 1:04 PM, atomheartbevo said:

    Am I the only one doing BALOO training this weekend and waiting on the non-existent rain storm that will flood us all?

    I trained the Whittling Chip portion of BALOO this past Dec. & let me tell you, it was coooold.  The Sacred Springs program was @ the tiny Kiwanis Park near 5 Mile Dam.  Wet out there as well...

    Now that I'm up in the Troop level, I only assist here & there in the Cub stuff.

    How was your experience?  Go to some RoundTable events & get your knot!

  2. I think I may have reached a tipping point with my wife.  Tipping into smarts vs. emotional, says I.

    Q:  "Hey, did you get me anything for Mother's Day?"

    A:  "Umm" [Spidey Sense tingling just a little bit, anticipating the trap has been laid] "No, not yet."

    Her:  "Get us a dryer.  Whirlpool or Maytag."  [ours is beat in a lot of crazy ways & is actually destroying clothes]

    Me:  [whips out phone, pulls up Home Depot app] "Well, let's see..."


    This is the inverse of the "stupid shit they say & do", but it's not worthy of it's own thread.

  3. As a Scout parent who is often out there with your cookie selling Daughter, it's difficult to restrain yourself from hogging the entire transaction.  I have whittled myself down to only the occasional contribution for content or nudged my daughter to properly count ca$h back (she refuses to do it that way & I fear she will be the kind of zit faced high school aged fast food clerk that relies solely upon the register to t ell her what the change is).


    But I do see the validity of your wife's concern provided she isn't bitchy about it to the Scout.  Maybe she can coax the Scout into the transaction & engage the girl in some questions, whether it's about product or what the $$ is for, maybe ask about a patch on her vest / sash.  Remember, you're not really buying the cookies, you're buying Scouts.

  4. 2 hours ago, Jkwellborn said:

    If you know an HVAC that doesn’t carry a fuck ton of capacitors around with him and several of the most common contacts in the service vehicle, I wouldn’t ask him what time it was. He’s obviously a dumb ass or a crook.


    You're right, if the svc tech hits your stop the last on a 5 stop day, he should have planned ahead & kept 20 of the same product sitting in his truck.  If not, then he's obviously stupid.

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  5. BTW, for anyone that does want an onsite service call, I have a guy that is licensed; he used to run a roofing crew for me & around 8 years ago he went to trade school for a year in the AC biz.

    His bunch did Dallas houses for Baboso, B & a few others that I cannot recall.  Locally, they did BriskeTexan's prior house off Northland.

    Anyhow, he's been working for others since then & is wanting to 100% get his own gig moving along - I have had him out for 2 people over the last 9 months or so & he's done good work for them.  Send me a PM if you want some info.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    ha. I like him as a friend but he's a sucker. He's the guy that signs up for the "free" inspection services and always buys what they're selling.  He always falls for the line that buying ______ increases the home value.  Even when he's not planning to sell for 5-10 years.

    So, um... would he by any chance be interested in an investment in gold?  Guaranteed* return of 18% or more.

  7. 17 hours ago, CleverNickname said:

    Somehow I ended up as recruiting chair for our cub scout pack. Spring JSN is coming up. Funny enough my daughter is in girl scouts and has negative interest in cub scouts despite it now being open to girls. Quoth my 3rd grader ahead our recent spring campout (to which I dragged her along) on the Friday before "all the boys I hate are excited about going." LOL  

    I've done 4 JSN's; 2 Fall / 2 Spring.

    Spring is a great opportunity to line up possible leadership for the Lion & Tiger / Bobcat Dens (assuming you're a Lion enabled Pack) + get some Q & A out there for those who don't understand the flow chart for a "Family Pack".

    Got any questions for me?  One thing I did was get a large TV & plug it into a computer & run a looped slideshow of the activities our Scouts have done.  Maybe you've got a lot of pics of YOUR Scout & that's great, but also ask for pics from other Scouting parents so it doesn't appear as though your kid is the only one in Scouts.

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