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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by ROFL BOX

  1. Last night & I'm headed towards town with both kids in my truck.

    I get a call from Mom:  "I stopped on the side of the road to 'adjust' the dog ("Bitsy" is this critter's name) because she was being a bother.  This critter is an  oversized Chihuahua & my wife calls it "Dobby" for it's obvious  resemblance.  Mom dresses it in clothes & it's fairly loose with peeing in the kitchen (linoleum, thankfully) & the very idea of it generally irritates me, so I call it "Shitsy".


    "So I stopped & it's soft here, apparently, & I can't get unstuck.  I tried 4H & 4L, not working for me."

    The intersection where she's stuck is on my way, so I figure it's no big deal.

    I pulled up around & behind her, tailgate to tailgate but around 40 ft. apart.  I asked her to get in my truck & wait a moment (that way she's not in the road).


    1.  Every idiot light possible is lit up on the dash.  It's like a fargin' Christmas tree & the 4H & 4L are blinking (vehicle is in P).

    2.  I put it in N & switched the dash controls to 4H, no sound out of the transfer case (this is a 2014 Tundra).  Tried 2WD, no sound & no feeling of the transfer case dis-engaging.  Whatever, can't obviously figure this out on the side of the road @ 1830 when it's dark.

    3.  Put it in R & give it some gas... vehicle nudges backwards around 9" or so.  Flip it into D & give it a shitload of gas... truck finally pops loose after 5 seconds of digging  in & I did a 1/2 donut on the road, U turn parallel to my truck & put the hazards on (she's on the road, I'm in the grass).

    4. Walk to my truck & she never got in, was leaning in from the driver's door & chatting up my kids.  There is mud all over the inside of my driver's door & up the back of her sweater from where I had roosted as I got her un-stuck.

    Fuck me.  I spent 10 minutes wiping down the inside of my window & on the arm rest, window switches, door lock, etc.  It's still a huge mess today as I haven't had time to mess around with it.

    Meanwhile, for the entire time I was cleaning up my door, she sat there in the road doing who the hell knows what with that damn dog as though it's no big deal that she is occupying part of the T intersection.

    < s i g h >

  2. I used to be an BEAR & a good old BEAR too
    But now I've finished BEARING
    I don't know what to do
    I'm growing old & feeble, I can BEAR no more
    So I'm going to work my ticket if I can

    Back to Gilwell, happy land, happy land,
    I'm going to work my Ticket if I can, if I can
    Back to Gilwell, happy land, happy land,
    I'm going to work my Ticket if I can!

    Back home now after day 6 / weekend 2 of 2.

    Now it's Ticket time.  Compared to most, my Ticket will conclude a bit quicker as I hope to have it complete by Blue & Gold (the Ticket revolves around the Pack that I was Cubmaster for).  The hardest part to show measurable results for is diversity as we're a community that is approx. 85% whitey & the next racial group down is Hispanic.  The language barrier is common in this subset & I'm trying to do some bilingual outreach for a Spring JSN or even a JSN through the C.O. because they have a Spanish worship service.  It seems that the only thing these kids do in the community & outside their family organization is playing soccer.

    Anyhow, that's my current situation & I'm looking forward to getting this in action.


  3. On 10/15/2018 at 11:58 AM, Brisketexan said:

    My answer to this is legislative, and simple.

    These calls are placed by phone farms, and then any business generated goes to specific businesses (duct cleaners, alarm companies, etc).

    Calling from a spoofed number is deemed to be fraud, and any and all business derived from a fraudulent call shall be deemed to be a fraud. Such fraud shall be subject to a civil penalty of $1,000 per transaction (that is, per call), to be paid by any/all parties in the chain of the transaction.

    A claim may be filed by the Attorney general of any state, or by any citizen as a qui tam action, entitling the citizen to 30% of any recovery.

    Start popping your local alarm company for $200k, and shit will straighten out real quick.

    This is quite easy, actually.  All you need is to have  someone follow through & find out where the inbound call came front.

    On 10/15/2018 at 8:04 AM, Catpfish said:

    Or you are in a business that relies on customer contact and you really need to answer the phone

    Right here, this is why I answer  every call.  With WNP (Wireless Number Portability (mandated in November, 2003), that meant I could have a potential customer who now lives in the 512 but moved to this area from anywhere else in the USA & retained their MIN for a wide variety of reasons.

    @ 1st it was irritating as shit, but as time moved on it's just like the hassle of having to put fuel in your vehicle when you'd rather simply get to your destination.  I'll answer & if it's the robo-voice, I press 2 on the phone & more often than not, it's the magic # that tells their system to spit out the recording that they will remove me from the database.  Now, whether they actually DO remove me is an entirely different sub-topic. 

    The calls that I cannot dissect are the ones that are dead air.  I'll answer & there is no response.  The call stays active for probably 15 seconds & then drops.  I have made a WAG that it's some kind of listening software & it is trying to determine if I'm average Joe citizen on the line or a business.  If it's for a business, they want to know how to sort out my company or line of work so they can better target the outbound calls; I get capital funding, professional insurance & Google AdWords / "front page listing" stuff on a daily basis.

    In the end, I've gone Zen about it all & simply ignore the nonsense because there's not a lot I can do other than go about my life.  It's the live human that gets me talking; if I can make a good guess & tell they are domestic (i.e. no heavy accent), I'll be friendly about it & interrupt with "Hey, I know call center work sucks - did it myself for awhile - but really, take me off the list, this is a HARD REFUSAL & get yourself a better job."

    PS:  I got a shit-tacular robo call the other day telling me the IRS was gonna arrest me if I didn't call back to this # & get my life in order.  Ignored it, hung up, got the same call back within 20 minutes, double ignored it as well.  It's my MOM falling for that bullshit that scares me.

  4. On the way home from Monster's baseball game tonight*, all 4 of us in the car.

    Monster:  "What's for dinner?"

    Me:  "Seafood medley thing." (I take a bag of frozen seafood pasta whatever it is from one of the various flavors & add some frozen bugs / shrimp / scallops / calamari & it does it's thing in the sautee bath while I can do other stuff).

    Monster:  "Aw, not that again.  I want steak.  We have seafood too much."

    Wife:  "Would you rather have salmon?"

    Monster:  "That's still seafood."

    Wife:  "No it's not.  It's fish."

     -  - pause -  - all air has left the vehicle - - I can hear gears grinding in kids heads as they sit in back - -

    Monster: "Um, what?"

    Wife:  "Well, sure, it comes from the water, but it's not 'SEA' food."

     - pause - - pause -  - kids + me wondering if she is trying to find out how to backtrack that -  - pause -  -


    PS:  If any of you assholes mention this deal to her, I'll gut you.


    *won, 9 - 4, went 0-2 / 0 RBI / 1st AB thrown out @ 1st on a decent hit & quality SS fielding, 2nd AB k on swings.

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  5. 2 hours ago, markstanco said:

    Jeans... zipper.

    Golf shorts, band.

    Athletic shorts, pull the left side up real high.


    1.  What's this bullshit that I couldn't reply without having voted?  My vote choice wasn't available.  I should have skewed the results by going against my actual selection.


    2.  Yeah, this option is missing from the vote choices.  Pull the leg hole over & pull your unit to the side.

  6. No names mentioned, but there's a Shagger whose wife is driving me absolutely insane re: gutters - can't make up her mind on colors, half round vs. K, mix of half round here... K there... LeaFree all over, no let's trim the cost & only do LeaFree in these areas, not those areas... oh, wait, I don't like how they look from the street, so can you get me different colors?

    Now I don't want the LeaFree at all, oh... we are crazy with Oaks, so I guess I we do need them but what about this & then maybe different downspouts (round vs. 2"x3").


    I'm on my 5th sketch & 4th estimate & want to add $ 50 to $ 75 for every revision sent out.



    PS:  If you show this to her, I'll add $ 1,000.00 to your contract (& still be lower than the estimate you received from those other companies).

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  7. Pretty much everything noted in this thread is occurring to me:


    Calc crashed 6-7 times and displayed the following error message - "OpenOffice 4.1.5 - Fatal Error ! Bad Allocation"

    Any thoughts to correct this situation?


    It happens to me repeatedly & while it's resolvable by simply remembering to do a "save" every 4 or 5 moves so that I don't permanently lose work & have to recreate it, this is an aggravation.  That thread is from 2015 & "Dave" was operating on Windows 7 or some such; my version is Win10 Pro, Version 1803.  My DeLL Latitude is around 1.5 years old & I don't think that listed thread from Open Office is current to my issues.


    Thoughts?  Ideas?  Specifics as to why this isn't Bob Stoops fault?

    U of o Sucks.

  8. 15 minutes ago, markstanco said:

    Then come to east texas and build one.

    Yes I know I could build one cheaper. Both of us in the purchase know this as well. But our time during the week is more important. Your point is invalid. I want to know from people in the know if there is haggle room like at a car dealership or if this is like buying from best buy. Nothing more.

    No, no,  no... I don't mean "if I came over to a neighbor's & brought my personal efforts, compressor & speed square while they provided the parts", I meant "me & my crew".

    The problem is East Texas vs. Central Texas.

    & What's their asking price?

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