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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by ROFL BOX

  1. Build brick location to place smoker,  including shelves / racks / sink (garden hose connection is OK), maybe even a roof / patio type thing, then purchase lots of beer, invite 3 or 4 buddies over & haul that mo-fo over to it's new home in the back yard.


    I'm a problem solver.

  2. If I was gonna put $ 1k into some kind of fund or stock or mutual fund or whatever... something my kids couldn't get their grubbies into until age 30 (when, hopefully, the dumbass will have worn off), what would be a good spot so it would grow as best as one could safely hope for?


    Roxette is 13, Monster is 11.


    Given those ages, I don't know if it's going to multiply enough to make much of a dent in college funding.

    Aaaand... go.

  3. Day 1, did Epcot. 

    Day 2 Ron Jon & Cocoa.  Slept in until probably 11a.

    Day 3 (yesterday), Universal.  Probably 1/3 of the time was @ Potter / Diagon.  Enjoyed it, max 25 min. for most of the lines & they do quite well @ managing the line so it doesn't seem as long as it actually is.  Kids each got a Potter wand & spent plenty of time making stuff happen in Diagon Alley.

    Day 4 (today), visited with my  ...Grandmother's niece's husband (2nd cousin to me, by marriage?).  His wife passed away around 3.5 years ago; smoked prob. 1.5 to 2 packs a day.  His daughter & husband came over & her daughter showed up around 30 minutes later.  Jim is having his bladder removed  (cancerous, also a heavy smoker, *finally* quit after his wife died) in around 1 week & he's obviously nervous about it.  These 3 are my final family members for the Orlando area; all have moved away or died.  Thousands of childhood memories wrapped up in Jim & his end of the family.

    Had lunch with them & then dinner with a friend & her 2 kids.  She lives in the same house she was adopted into; it's 2 doors over from where my Grandmother's house was in Winter Park & she's the person I've known longest other than family; probably 1st met her when I was around 4 years old.  We went to Reel Fish Coastal Kitchen in WP & it was good stuff.

    Day 5, tomorrow, Magic Kingdom.  We'll hit it @ 1300; I've got a Lauderdale friend that came up & is overnighting @ $ 65 / ea for tonight / tomorrow night, will park with us.  So far, all is quite well.  Spending limited $$ on trinkets & misc., most is going  towards park food.

    We fly out Monday AM.

    PS:  If in Universal, the frozen "Butter Beer" is better than the cold variety.  I don't know what they do to it, but the frozen stayed "frozey" for prob. close to 15 minutes.

  4. Elvis, +repped!!

    Glad you're involved with the Pack.  The worst is someone who bitches about stuff (whether grumbles to their spouse or to other parents in the Pack) but they aren't willing to put in any  work to make things better or help in any way.

    Let me tell you one secret to getting parents involved:  Don't find yourself @ a Pack meeting & generically ask "who can help", go up to a Pack parent & specifically say "Hey, we need ____ for around 4 hours @ ______ event; can you do that?"  Then another task, maybe run the Blue & Gold sign in table, ask someone to handle that one thing, etc.  Do this for all the simple things & you will get some assitance easily.  Chip away @ someone bringing firewood for a campout, another person to run the computers @ Pinewood Derby, someone else for bringing cars back from the end of the race track up to the sorting tables, etc.


    That's what worked for me as CM.
    PS:  Still haven't heard anything about October, so who the hell knows.

  5. OP's vid, Sistrunk's finest citizen right there.

    Vid is probably from '86 to maybe '91 or so.


    BSO was trying out a lot of things & this was one of 2 BATmobiles that they would station in the county so the testing & video could be faster than bringing someone all the way down to Andrews & New River.

    • Like 1
  6. LSS, be prepared for the Pack to ask if you (or any new parent, actually) is interested in a position within the Leadership group.  @ A minimum, I suggest Assistant Den Leader.  A lot of people freak out thinking "I'm no teacher" but the program is VERY forgiving & is designed for pretty much everyone to step in as a new  leader with zero experience.

  7. @Chuychanga, if he hasn't been progressing all that fast (has to @ least be 14 & 1st Class for any High Adventure), going to Sea Base will probably get him hopped up & he will come home with a couple of  new Merit Badges (assuming he doesn't already have them). 

    Our Troop had a contingent that went to BTSR (Buffalo Trail Scout Ranch) in the Davis Mountains & 1/2 of that group did Calvalcade [6 solid days of horseback riding].  After returning & a week off, another large group & pretty much all of the Calvalcade crew went to Sea Base Bahamas.

    My son didn't do summer camp - hasn't ever been, actually, even though I tried to get him to go.  When he saw the pictures & merit badges that were earned, it bummed him out almost to the point of wanting to quit because he didn't feel like he was part of the Troop.  Once he completed his requirements for Scout, that changed things up a bit & he was more excited to get his Scout patch @ the summer Courts of Honor than he was for any other rank in Cubs & I think even more than his AoL.  

  8. Well, we're about to start in on a new Scouting "year".  I wasn't able to make Roundtable tonight because I had a repair project going on out here in Drip. 

    I've been asked by the District Training Chair to take on a couple of the modules for BALOO that's coming up in December, so I'm going to step in for this & should have a good time doing it.  I enjoy meeting new Scouters & hopefully can impart some of the fun attitude that they can take back to their Packs.

    I'm still scheduled for WoodBadge for the 2nd weekend of October @ Tom Wooten / Lost Pines, however a hiccup has come along.  My Dad's ashes internment in Arlington National Cemetery is possibly going to happen in October, however we don't actually have anything confirmed NOR even remotely confirmed... all I know is when my Stepmother called (because she hadn't heard anything @ all), they said "don't hold us to this, but ...maybe... in October.

    So I've got my registration for WoodBadge locked in, but then if Arlington happens, I may end up with a short time to book a flight (we're on around 1 week ago that I heard about October) & it could be mid-week, which becomes an issue because my wife doesn't want the kids to miss any school.  Currently looking @ just under $ 1,500.00 for the 4 of us; $ 374.00 per head round trip w/ taxes, fees, etc.  That's the "book it now" flight & on a Wanna Get Away; the "Anytime" fare is $ 625.00 each... LEG.  

    That means if I make a guess & get it right (fare noted is for a depart AUS 04 Oct. & return 09 Oct. (would be nice to get "celebrate the lost Italian guy" day in there as a no school bonus), but then that's just a random dart @ this moment.  I asked my Dad's Silver Beaver friend who is in his Council & Jack @ first said that I should keep up with the WoodBadge schedule, but then a day later he called back & said that in talking to his wife, she thought that Dad would want me to attend Arlington, especially because I / me / the family were not able to attend the memorial service in Lexington.

    I really hope it doesn't affect WoodBadge (2nd weekend in October) but unfortunately it's just a waiting game right now.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  For any of you Shaggers with Kinder or older Elementary aged kids about to go back to school, keep your eyes & ears open for announcements for JSN opportunities @ your schools (Join Scouting Night).  If you are @ a private school that doesn't have a Pack "attached" to you, go online to
    http://beascout.org/ & use your zip code to find a Pack near you.  Please remember that you are NOT restricted by your address, your school that the Scout attends nor the religion you do (or do not) practice.  The only issue you might come across is if you have a girl who is interested in Scouts, you will need to find a pack that IS allowing mixed gender Dens or will be a girls only Pack.  I just tried out the website & it's kinda Borked on providing actual results, so hopefully it will be operable for those who go there to check it out.

    So... what's up with everyone else this Scouting season?

  9. Phone call to me this AM while I'm @ a jobsite (I left the house before they woke up, Mom's @ work):

    Monster, calling from landline @ house:  "Dad, where's the Xbox controller + my tablet & Roxette's tablet?"

    Me:  "Once y'all rotate the dishes (put away from washer, reload), I'll tell you."

    Monster:  "<click>"

     . . . . . . . . .

    He never did call back; apparently some kind of YouTube notification went off on his tablet & they found the collection.  I'm gonna have to turn them off next time so even a call won't go through (using VOIP to the phone #'s on them).


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