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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by ROFL BOX

  1. @Jerry Callo, I'm almost right there with you.


    My Mom got a text last week & it was some kind of unsolicited whatever where they were lightly trolling & it came from a (512) area code.

    She responded with something along the lines of "I don't know who you are or how you  got my phone #, but I am ____ years old & have lived here for ___ years & before that lived in ________ , Florida & I am a retired ___________ , etc. etc. [add more personal shit here that allows someone to build a damn near complete personal profile]".

    So damn maddening that she won't listen to me & then complains that I'm trying to run her life.  "I managed to make it this far in my life without you telling me what to do, so I'll keep on making my own way, thank you very much."

    & If I was to say something about this text message, she responds with "Get over it."

  2. For the Austin metro area, we do gutters.

    On the North / South zones, Georgetown down to San Marcos / New Braunfels (even San Antonio for the right total length).

    East to West, Bastrop to Marble Falls.

    $ 4.35 per linear ft. for the common 5" K style & $ 6.35 for a 6".

    Add 10 ft. each for a single story downspout, 20 ft. for a 2nd story downspout.  $ 10.00 ea. for a miter (inside / outside).

    Our most recent Shag gutter install was for DeftWill in Round Rock.  FYI, gutter costs are expected to go up AGAIN with this continued tariff thing (prices moved up 6% @ the 1st of May).

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  3. 1.  Hire immigration lawyer.

    2.  Give retainer of $ 20,000.00.

    3.  Wait a shitload of time for nothing to happen.

    4.  Give additional payment of $ 70,000.00.

    5.  Wait longer.

    6.  Maybe get permission to emigrate, maybe not.

    7.  ???

    8.  Immigration lawyer profits.

  4. 1 hour ago, Shaggy3.0 said:

    It’s okay to cut her down—publicly. But, I’m willing to bet, given the right setting AND if no one would ever find out, some of ya’ll would hit it. The fatties need proper attention too. Nothing wrong with that.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I don't need to hide behind anything - I'd go after it 100% sober.

  5. Still cannot get  logged in via Tapa.  No posting, no access to teh noodz board.


    I am able to use Tapa to login @ the Hokey Ass Message Board (H.A.M.B.... it's traditional hot rod talk), so I know it's not my version of Tapa that's the issue.



  6. On 5/7/2018 at 1:44 PM, Dewey said:

    I watched this guy park, it took him a few times before he could get his truck into the space in front of me. Took sometime, but he nailed it.


    Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk


  7. Latest item:  LDS (Mormons) will be dropping out as Chartered Orgs. effective Dec. 21 2019.

    As it is, NO LDS Scouts ever camp in the outdoors.

    A Cub Scout age boy CAN go camping, just not with his den or pack, like would be done in Cub Scout packs not sponsored by the LDS church. ... It could be with his immediate family, with extended family, on a ward campout, or even on a “Father's and Son's” camping trip.  But not as any kind of an official Scouting opportunity.

    A requirement to receive Eagle Scout is to receive their Camping merit badge & that requires @ least 20 nights.  LDS Scouts have somehow been waivered on this requirement.
    That is ONE example of how Scouts BSA has catered to LDS for quite some time now.
    I'm not exactly sorry to see them go as an official LDS connection to Scouting.
    Additionally, LDS kids of the appropriate age are not precluded from joining any "regular" Scouting organization, so the big difference & why we're taking such a large hit to membership is Mormon kids are REQUIRED to join Scouts & remain part of Scouts until they hit 18 years old (& the next requirement for them is going on Mission).
  8. 1 hour ago, deadshank said:



    I've probably been in & to more rodeos than 98% of y'all & I've never seen a bull sacrifice itself with a flop like that vid had in 3, maybe 4 different clips.


    Crazy shit.

  9. Using Samsung Galaxy 5.0..

     Ancient, yes.


    Any benefit to unlocking & ditching bloatware?  I cannot download an app for my credit union because the phone is apparently clogged.  No SW upgrade available either due to space situation.


    Have been to Best Buy to see the Samsung specialist & of course due to compamy policy, he cannot say one way or the other if that is a good move.


    I was going to upload screenshots of my phone specs, but since I cannot log in via Tapa, that means no upload from my phone (currently posting via Chrome phone interface & I get no pic upload options here).


  10. Update, Mom has been home since last Saturday & all is going OK.  Her cognition is good, physical mobility is increased... the stay @ HCC did her quite well & we are working actively on adjusting her Rx's to prevent contraindications & other interference between the wide variety of stuff she takes.


    Haven't gotten her behind the wheel just yet, but that is upcoming.  Unfortunately, she's smashed it up so dam much that it's not even running well @ the moment & I don't have the cash flow @ the moment to get the basic mechanical issues worked out (not really concerned about the exterior appearance; it's some blinking light about "4Lo" that I have to get addressed & I don't know why that's going off).

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