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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by ROFL BOX

  1. IANAL & definitely did NOT sleep @ a Holiday Inn last night, however I can easily see someone being litigious in defense of their business & might attempt to go after negative reviews for people who are pissed (like I am) about the loss of Shag.




    I have not Yelp reviewed his store(s) & have no intention of doing so.


    (unless I was contractually obligated "about tree fiddy" in renumeration)

  2. Monster is 11 now, so the days of having him say off the wall stuff has sorta faded.


    Apparently I'm gonna have to live vicariously through y'all in the 10 & under set, so get to it & report here.


    Oh, sure - I'll get the occasional interesting item, but until the day he tells me he's banging the hot Mom next door I guess the occasions will be far & few between.


    Aaand... let's go.

    • Like 1
  3. Was talking with Judge Roy tonight & lamenting my issues.

    Had Mom in the hospital for 3 days due to detox issues & her regularly sched. Fentanyl (25, 50 & 75 mikes depending on the pain level).  She's consistent in rotating shoulders A to B to A to  B, etc. & she writes with a Sharpie the date & time of application on the patch, then typically covers it with a Tagaderm overlay to prevent it from coming off.

    Well moving aside to an added Hx issue is what a GE doc Dx'd her around 5 years ago with a "Gastrointestinal Migraine" or "Abdominal Migraine" (it's not something you'll find in the medical coding book) & gave her an Rx for something to take if she feels an episode coming  on.  It's been going OK with this process ever since & she's been able to head this off with whatever the Rx is.

    Recent, last Tuesday, Mom has an issue that's not resolving & she ends up on my couch for 24 hours & I had to get her into the ER.  3 Days later & she's out, but only around 80% full strength & abilities.  I had to do 4 or 5 hours of stuff @ her house today & I'm doing @ least 2 hours of life maintenance for her on a daily basis.

    She "wants to get a 2nd dog, because "Bitsy" is probably lonely & she needs a friend", no  matter that she can't really afford the one she has (even though it's a tiny thing), buys the expensive dog food / dog outfits ("she's always shivering because small dogs cannot generate body heat" which is bullshit) / dog treats that are high dollar,  etc.

    She sees something interesting in the grocery store & instead of buying 1x, has to get a whole case but then if she doesn't like it throws away or gives it away, etc.  This could be a 3 pack of phone charging cords, some odd flavored drink, who the hell knows.

    When the "Adult Coloring Books" became all the rage (infomercials) around 1 - 1.5 years ago, she jumped into that & ended up spending over $ 350 @ Hobby Lobby or Michael's on the coloring books & specialty pencils in an insane amount of color variations.

    In her never ending quest to be organized, she now has 6 or 7 small notebooks with PW's, acct #'s, etc. & they are in various stages of completion & scattered across the house.  Tonight, while in the recliner she asked me to hand her a black 3 ring binder that looks as though it could hold a ream of paper & I asked what it was for "In case I see something I want to remember or look up later, I'll write it down", then promptly fell asleep with Bitsy by her side.


    Her finances have become a wreck for a few reasons that would require an additional TL;DR beyond this one & due to this, she had to do a reverse mortgage to prevent foreclosure. 

    I'm thinking it's time to get PoA & possibly even take control of her finances.  It's not something I should have to do to her @ age 73.  Maybe just medical PoA, I dunno... the Rx's she takes on a daily basis are lengthy & I'm @ a rough spot in having to deal with her stuff + handle my other family responsibilities for a 13 & 11 year old (school, Scouts, youth sports, etc) & trying to not be a dickhead husband (asshole, sure... but then that's all of Shag, right?).

    Whom among y'all have experience in these areas?  Commiserate here.

  4. Picking up where we left off...

    Moving from the Pack to the Troop.  Too bad there's not a sewing MB... I'm ready for him to take this up himself.






    Monster went on his 1st Troop campout & also his 1st without Scouter Dad along for the trip.  I was hoping he would come back with all his packed stuff & would also make the full hike; they went  on a five miler.

     Here's all the new Boy Scouts minus 2 that went with an adult for an ice run:



    & Here's his Patrol - they selected the name of "Cheeto Doritos" (Monster wasn't thrilled with that in the slightest, however I think he needs some adversity in his life & not getting his way & having to wear that name on his shoulder will temporarily be a good thing).  The other new Patrol is "Spec Ops" & they want a crosshairs logo for their Patrol patch.



    The one 3rd from R in long, green pants was getting his derp on & apparently he's been selected as APL.  Let's see how well that goes... they are all only 11 or 12, so it's not anything too terribly off for dorktastic behavior.


    We have Spring JSN training coming up this Wednesday & then a week after will have the actual event.  We got lucky out here in Sacred Springs & will have the training session closer to us vs. having to drive 45 min.++ over to Kyle.  I'm going to assist the Pack with JSN & hopefully we'll get a decent swell in #'s because only 12 Cubs attended the Spring Fishing Derby.


    What's going on with y'all?

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