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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ROFL BOX

  1. Yeah, I think I recently saw a Milwaukee m-18 Track @ Home Depot. Didn't linger, not easily useful in our roofing work, definitely a "hmmmm" moment.
  2. Speaking of "dust"... I don't really want to "collect" it, I just want to blow it a decent distance away from the space I'm in. ¿Home Depot vac head that doesn't have a filter & will dump the stuff maybe through a window & 5 ft. away via hoses & into the bushes or cedars? (Living rural, no worries about appearances, sawdust pile, etc)
  3. Fake tree stump. What about the fake tree stump?
  4. I cannot select "Prepare Your Anus" via TapaTalk & I refuse to "Like" this (the only Tapa option).
  5. For good / breathable air, maybe some of that flex pipe you were talking about & connect a fan up top that pushes fresh air down & in. Run a bell connected to a string so you can alert someone if you have any serious problems. Def. get a battery powered flashlight + a backup for when # 1 dies. I think in the tool thread you are on Ryobi? I'm sure they have some decent ones. At any point are you going to go wider? Do we have any geologists around here that can discuss how deep (on average) he will need to go & then the soil / dirt / whatever changes to something softer or possibly even more difficult than what is currently being encountered? & what if you go... maybe 20 ft. deep... any possibility for going sideways? My 2nd favorite thing about Hogan's Heroes - # 1 was always the tunnels - # 2 was when they would pop up from a fake tree stump. I would gladly donate to a fake tree stump fund, however the stump has to be maybe 50 feet away (or more) from where this current hole is, furrher awY from the building... otherwise it's just an access point for this existing hole. Made of a decent steel or whatever it is they use @ Disney to make fake rocks that don't turn to shit over time. So, yeah. Fake stump secret exit hatch thingy.
  6. I will suggest there aren't any toll booths on any interstate highway portions of Palm Beach / Broward / Dade County. & There were none in '92. I'm trying to recall if I-4 had any back then & I think it was only the "Bee Line" / now called the tourist friendly name of "Beach Line" (runs from the Western end of Orlando East to the Port Canaveral coast).
  7. For maybe 90 seconds I once hit 120 mph on I-95 going N @ 0200 on a Tuesday night / Wed. morning. Mazda MX-6 turbo. Passed a boat load of cops working a wreck, knew they were all busy.
  8. Ain't gonna quote it... But I'd risk a tiny touch w/ my lips & say "Full!".
  9. https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/index.php?/topic/772-Lame-joke-thread#entry5929211
  10. I, for one, am absolutely *NOT* ready to greet our new robot overlords.
  11. That fucker has absurdly long fingers. He probably rips on the Sitar.
  12. Mixed up the name(s) from the lede.
  13. Poodle Skirt ---> Hula Hoop ---> Pet Rock ---> Cabbage Patch Kids ---> Beanie Babies ---> YETI sticker ---> Fidget Spinner ---> Pit Vipers---> "Stanley" ---> whatever is next. It's a Yeti-type with a handle. Whoop - de - friggin' - doo.
  14. Does Avis / Dollar General / Hertz check the lug nuts on every car they rent out, whether it has less than 25 miles upon accepting delivery or +15,000 miles (assuming no flat tires & obv. less than enough usage to require replacement due to wear)? *similar to the response by @beej
  15. Response: "How about you just deal with YOUR crap & leave my stuff alone?" Me: "Well, I can't actually GET to "my crap" with all of your ancient & derelict stuff that's packed in front of "my crap"." Same goes for all the odd baking products in the pantry that she got interested in for a hot second & is now scattered across various shelves & seems to closely resemble packages of croutons, light brown sugar or bacon bits... but isn't (& you DAMN SURE better not throw out any of her expired stuff!).
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