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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ROFL BOX

  1. This is about a married couple, so... that was a lie.
  2. ...decades of weekly visits. Chiro's are really just interested in long term clients, IMO. Decades ago I was a lowly assistant in a hospital for the Physical Therapy department. They would not accept any referral from a chiro office if said patient had been seen by the ChiroQuacktic more than 2×.
  3. The inference here is that she didn't know the wipers won't get stuck to cardboard.
  4. Redneck-ified version of the "Browning" logo. Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia outlined with the deer head / antlers thing.
  5. Places with a Keurig (my kid's orthodontist) who have a shit ton of coffee cups, some weird ass tea & Ø hot chcolate. Not everyone drinks coffee (me... i don't) & especially the average teenaged patient.
  6. Pic # 2 is to show that the parking lot wasn't empty on a frozen day.
  7. South Florida & "CBS¹" has entered the chat. ¹Concrete, Block & Stucco.
  8. Sidebar / mildky related: If you live in South Florida & have one of the rare houses with a chimney (or you have a fire pit), Melaleuca when burned smells like Eckrich type sausage.
  9. Me to wife (as she is going outside to cover her nearly dead plants from freezing): "Hey, grab that piece of cardboard that's over by the smoker / under the carport & put it on your windshield to keep most of the ice build up from happening." Her: "But my windshield wipers are standing up because I didn't want them to get stuck."
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