[mention=1629]Catpfish[/mention] , Don't miss out on the new "feature" where roofs that are aged 50% or more of the expected life span will NOT get a recoverable depreciation. Example: Roof replacement value (total cost) @ $ 20,000.⁰⁰ Insurer says "aged 16 years on a 30 year life span = Ø recoverable depreciation." 2% Deductible on a home valued @ $ 350,000.⁰⁰ = $ 7,000 policy holder responsibility. ACV (Actual Cash Value) = $ 10,000.⁰⁰ (i.e. the "up front $ for the life left in the shingles prior to the covered peril / loss"). $ 10k - $ 7k = $ 3,000.⁰⁰ to policy holder & Ø else. Total expense to property owner for total roof replacement: $ 17,000.⁰⁰ Pay VERY CLOSE ATTENTION to your H.O. policy language & what you're paying for v. what you are receiving. I have met MANY field adjusters who say they have to explain to customers about this "N.R.D." (Non Recoverable Depreciation) thing.