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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ROFL BOX

  1. Where is this property? If reasonably close to Austin / Drip, I could come out with my Mavic Air (drone) & take an updated aerial pic to show what the property line looks like now (vs. waiting 4 years when the Googs do another flyover & update the mapolater).
  2. Re: Mini-fights on ice... All the mommies, screeching: "Stop ittt!!" Dads: " "
  3. The only part missing is they didn't park backed in.
  4. It is even worse when someone doesn't "hug" the curb (minus the scuffing & curb rash).
  5. Her: "Why isn't T'Vondre going to the Heisman thing? He should be in the "Final Four" or whatever it's called." Me: "Well, lets start by asking what you know about any of the people who ARE going to be in NYC for this. Do you even know what schools / programs they are from or how well they have performed for their respective programs?" Her: "That doesn't matter."
  6. Who amongst us keeps a ledger of stuff you have spent your own $$ on? I am semi-hesitant to nickel & dime her, however if I spend $ 15 on groceries, theoretically I should have some sort of accounting to show my brother once probate happens. I'm not gonna tap her for lunch or minor stuff, but eventually it adds up. I also know that if I asked my brother for anything now, he would absolutely refuse. I once asked him to cover 1/2 of her dental insurance & he flat out said "no". "She should have planned better" type response.
  7. SS&tS last night @ ACL Live, annual "Ugly Christmas Sweater" gig, Austin leg (also has a Dallas area & Houston show). Slayed / went hard, etc. Prob. 25th... 30th show pf theirs we have seen. Shane handed me his set list after the show. *man crush* Didn't play "Born & Raised" or close with "Bury Me In Texas", however I'll manage to survive.
  8. For such an interesting channel & the way he gets various players (Eric Johnson, Robert Trujillo, Christopher Cross, etc) to talk nuts & bolts, DNA of various recordings or gear preferred / tweaked, etc., his "Billionaire" band was very pedestrian. I dig his channel but was not at all impressed by the band.
  9. I did not pay for that car, so - no. No title is due to me for that car.
  10. MAGA idjits doing MAGA idjit things. Entitled, much?
  11. Yes, because the engineers apparently were driving semi-trucks (hundreds per day) at speeds exceeding 30 mph. The cobblestones shown would beat your kidneys like a 10 rounder w/ Tyson in his prime.
  12. No, we are not connected to the State of Texas DPS network. & Obv. that is someone else's responsibility as I still do not have the title for a truck with a dead engine.
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