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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ROFL BOX

  1. [laughs in "wife is asking for addresses so she can send out cards with the annual JC Penny photo studio picture]
  2. If not, you're on the wrong BBS. Sent from my SM-A326U1 using Tapatalk
  3. 1. Don't expect an instant fix (not that you actually are), look long term - think about both the urgent & the 5 years out stuff. 2. Plant the seeds for a successful handoff once your kid is done with the program. One or 2 new board members per year is a good way to get fresh energy, fresh ideas & not relying on the same people year after year. 3. Long range maintenance of facilities like banners & advertising is a good idea... as in your public radio station would rather have 500 people all guaranteeing $ 10 / month for 3 years vs. 250 people kicking $ 20 one time. 4. Use your 501©3 to the best capabilities & maybe do that raffle with a # 1, 2 & 3 place win. 5. Do y'all have a snack bar? Look over the sundries being sold. Adjust if needed. Bump prices by .25 per hot dog, limit condiment freebies per transaction. - No snack bar? Get 1 or 2 food trucks to show up & charge $ 100 per full day onsite, etc. 6. Look to other area baseball leagues & see what the successful ones are doing. Have conversations with them about how they operate, what has worked, what failed, what was ...meh... & try to duplicate success. 7. Lastly, try to stop asking for a show of hands on "who can do ____ , we need someone to _____ ..." instead, approach ONE person or set of mom & dad, & ask them directly to do _____ task. Even if it is "Hey, can you bring 3 coolers of bottled water next Saturday as a donation?" & then another 3 parents "Would you sell iced bottles of water for a 1½ hour run on ___ weekend?" "Hey, could you rake the infield clay between games & line the baselines / batters box between this one game?", etc. Good luck. Sent from my SM-A326U1 using Tapatalk
  4. Trying to send you a PM, my TapaTalk is borked. Send one to me & it will show up in my email. Include your IRL, phone # & I'll text you for other details. Sent from my SM-A326U1 using Tapatalk
  5. If there was any "tangible / real / actual" movement towards meaningful 2nd Amendment reform, I guarantee you there will be assassinations [some attempted, some actual] that are guerilla war style. Sent from my SM-A326U1 using Tapatalk
  6. I cannot speak for her, however I am doubtful that LA would refer to John as "the dark prince".
  7. I don't necessarily mean "in production"... just show us some "before & after" stuff.
  8. Please, please, please post pics. I have some FB groups I wanna cross pollinate with that stuff.
  9. FB post from "Louie Mueller"; Wayne. I'm obv. the furthest from family & Wayne can do whatever TF he wants with the operation, the name, whatever... but I'm not really sure what to make of him using the "Dark Prince" thing & also is that a bit of a parting shot / dig with "finally"? In the end, Wayne is John's family, so sure - do what you want with it, I guess.
  10. All that to say you have a corded house phone?
  11. It's like a techno version of what the Lawrence Welk show would be for today's 65 & over set.
  12. Aaron definitely embraced the social media aspect of it because he's generally a friendly guy while John was initially hesitant if not aggressively more like "why are you interested in what I run my temps at or what hat I'm wearing today? Just eat my food & shut up."
  13. Whose idea was that anyway? I recall the beef bones & smoked marrow... maybe have pics of that somewhere on my computer. If they were on my original FB account & I didn't save them, then they got vaporized along with the rest of the account when FB did their stupid.
  14. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1731900990165857/posts/4788784251144167/
  15. It's the annual "Capitol Tourist Day"... bring apple pie & fire extinguishers.
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