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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ROFL BOX

  1. Well, shit - didn't know you moved away post dee-vorce. Whereabouts is ya & what makes you think this town has changed that much since you left?
  2. Does yours consistently complain about her feet or back? "Can't walk all over ________ because feet." "Can't sit in a car for ______ hours because back."
  3. You sound like you're late a lot. It's a difficult situation when repair calls or customer meetings run longer than expected. Hopefully customers understand when a 2p "check out your leak" turns into 4p.
  4. That said, I have decided that if we get proper information, I'm going to attend the funeral or visitation or whatever. I hope other Shaggers join in. @luke duke if you're coming down, shoot up a flare.
  5. Also, & I've said this in the past (Shag, whatevers) but the 1st time I went to the Manor Road shop was when Roxette was born. I was on the 2nd day after she was born & my wife said "Go, leave the hospital. Get some food & bring me some." So I drove East to the Manor store looking for something... didn't know specifically that his shop was there & I don't even recall what the signage was. I ordered 2 sandwiches & 2 sides but when I got to the counter, realized I had left my wallet back in the Saint David's hospital room. John (in a very "no big deal" voice) said "Don't worry about it - get back when you can." I came back the next day. & I'm 98% certain the other dude working the counter was Aaron.
  6. This ensures that... 1. The parents aren't jacking around with their kids & being an ass to the coach. 2. They can simply walk sideways 20 yards to fight the other parents vs. having to walk across the pitch & get in the way of their kids.
  7. As many of y'all know, I'm active with the Q committee for Rodeo Austin. Our annual event other than the cook-off is an auction / dance. Around the time of that magazine cover for Texas Monthly, I asked both Aaron & John fort a gift cert donation & to autograph the magazine for the auction. I got one magazine for me & the other for the auction. Aaron was 1st. & it had a more "official" coupon type thing. Went to John & he saw Aaron's signature... had to write his larger than A.F. (pic on the other BBQ thread). J.M. asked me how much was coming from Franklin & without asking to see proof, he doubled from 1 full rack of pork to 2. Double the weight in brisket. Added 4 links of sausage (2 reg.,2 jap). 2 Beefers. Tore a sheet of butcher paper & wrote it all down via sharpie, signed his name on it. Folded that up 5 or 6 different ways & then somehow created a type of envelope from another piece of butcher paper. The auction item was for the gift cert. from both John & Aaron + the autographed magazine... total package. I don't know who "won" that auction however I do hope they still have the magazine. Sent from my SM-A326U1 using Tapatalk
  8. I don't know if the sample while you wait was a Mueller original, but it is still a family tradition. Sent from my SM-A326U1 using Tapatalk
  9. Me: "Back around '99 or so, I used to ride horses from the Catholic cemetery off the N side of 79 on the East side of town, go over to Louie's & tie off to the power pole out back, go in for a beefer." John: "That was you, with the Palomino? Yeah, I used to throw bread at your horse." Sent from my SM-A326U1 using Tapatalk
  10. Capt. Stabby. A few know the history from South 1st. Love him, hate him or non-committal, he was def. a legend.
  11. If any marriage doesn't have it's fair share of microaggressions, then what is it, actually, other than 2 people possibly sharing the same bed & not fucking?
  12. Aaron mentioned to me on more than one occasion [while operating the trailer next to Owl Roasting] that he wanted to name a sandwich in Shag's honor but never could settle on what to put in / on it. Sent from my SM-A326U1 using Tapatalk
  13. Crazy. Sent from my SM-A326U1 using Tapatalk
  14. I don't know if you're Android or iPhong, however I paid around $ 280 for a new Samsung A32 via Best Buy. Unlocked... no bloatware. If that's within your budget, go for it.
  15. Doomlet is gonna work @ a scrip club. Hopefully as a bouncer. Sent from my SM-A326U1 using Tapatalk
  16. There should be a law that Thanksgiving & Christmas have to be 6 months apart. There is zero fucking reason to get stuck with the same assholes but only 1 month later. Sent from my SM-A326U1 using Tapatalk
  17. Don't even get me started on that entire "Be like" bullshit. /WhiteGuy Sent from my SM-A326U1 using Tapatalk
  18. Just give them a grandchild & get it over with... ...Or rent some neighborhood kid for a couple of days & make sure he understand the plan, will get a shitload of presents, etc. "Yeah, ummm... 'Mom' has to work. Things are really busy down at the animal shelter hospital VA center place. Just the two of us while she's busy." Sent from my SM-A326U1 using Tapatalk
  19. Is there any return on the "investment" if it meets the goal & is released? I am not really familiar with how these work related to movies / TV shows / music, etc. Sent from my SM-A326U1 using Tapatalk
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