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Davis Lane

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Everything posted by Davis Lane

  1. The storm trooper/icey whites will be worn. The visiting team has won the last 3 games. Should have been at least 4 but TH is a moron.
  2. We all know of his mom's whereabouts.
  3. The moment he said "mayne" I was out.
  4. Amateur
  5. Little help here.
  6. I'm gonna need to see Greg Davis' 40 time.
  7. Brent Vaginal moved to Norman, Oklahoma.....twice.
  8. "If his name was Arch Smith I think he'd probably be a high 3-star quarterback." ~MF
  9. No more sudden movements, it's gonna hurt now and later. No more spin moves to prove you still got it. Dairy will become your enemy soon if it hasn't already. Plant based diet is coming fast and hot. Speaking of coming, better get your Low T checked, you probably have it. And last but not least, welcome to the party, pal.
  10. Basically said we won't be seeing him too much this year and probably next year as well.
  11. Instead of Surlyites can we be called Surlians? Sounds more menacing. Obviously we prefer to be called assholes, amiright?
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