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Davis Lane

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Everything posted by Davis Lane

  1. Yeah, but how many times was he stabbed in the ass prior to getting shanked?
  2. Hee-Haw was where I learned I love looking at cleavage.
  3. After season 4 I down right hated this motherfucker.
  4. Avatar checks and stuff.
  5. South Austin's mom, again.
  6. Yes.
  7. Fourth of July... Tommy Boy in the morning. Then went outside and did some much needed yard work. Grown Ups in the evening.
  8. You could get one that says "South Austin's Mom" inside a big red heart.
  9. When I was a kid the only people that had tattoos were people that led a hard life; bikers, inmates, military men and my mom.
  10. Cheerleaders? No? Pass.
  11. No tats. No piercings. And I don't utilize self-checkout.
  12. Rode the Texas Cyclone....before and after "safety" modifications. Driven to El Paso. Driven to Muleshoe. Driven to Houston before the 71 bypass was built. Seen an Astros game at the Astrodome. Toured Texas Stadium Eaten at Dirty's in Houston Been to Juarez. Crossed the border for Cabrito. Shouted "OU SUCKS!" Taken a dump in the woods. Bought a smoker. Own a truck.
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