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Davis Lane

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Everything posted by Davis Lane

  1. I lost count of how many times "they" was used. Talk about being in someone's head.
  2. At first I was like this: And then I was like this:
  3. A lot of all this.
  4. Oh. Both and avatar and username check out.
  5. I laughed 'cause it's (proabably) true.
  6. "We achieve to whatever we do." Damn. That's culture.
  7. What a fuck up, man! During OTF stream Gerry says, "Terry to Texas!" And then they went to the Terry's announcement ceremony and Terry hadn't made the announcement yet. Gerry had to save face and say Hayes Fawcett already made it public. Good job Mr. Fawcett you idiot.
  8. Will the Surly tailgate strippers be there?
  9. After watching the game again I can tell video in the post had to have happened before the stip/sack on Reed. During the strip/sack 55 had his hands all over Collin Simmons' helmet and facemask and pretty much was trying his best to hold. Add the video above and I can see why Simmons was ready fuck that kid up after the play was over. Check out the replay of the play. At the end you see where 55 is ripping Simmons helmet off.
  10. I'm wondering how much of an influence she had.
  11. Took me a minute.
  12. At first everyone was like: But then y'all were like:
  13. I'm not one to pile on anyone, unless they deserve it, but that "best of all time" class didn't last past the first season after signing day. Four players were suspended/dimissed before the season ended and shortly after that the class started falling apart. So, I'm thinking the class collapsed because the culture of A&M's program was not ready for what was paid for. That's my critical thinking two cents, and I'm a critical thinker by trade. Ok, y'all can go on.
  14. There are plenty of analysts here with the best ideas and analyses. https://texags.com/forums/5
  15. BOOOOOOOM!!!
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