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Butch Had Not

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  1. I remember cunt bowels asking Sark if he needs to change the road game routine when they weren't winning any in that second year. Sark said no and fuck you kurt. 11 in a row. When has that happened last?
  2. Texas 9th in sec. Aggy 8th. Wait for it.
  3. So they are doing the copycat drone show tonight. It would be very aggy if they forgot to get a permit or some mundane detail and they aren't able to do it.
  4. 'In the SEC....' is every qualifier he starts with when it's close or loses. Sooo what he say now?
  5. Since we're doing this, I went to high school with a guy they went into the navy and became a SEAL and after he got out played at U of San Diego. https://usdtoreros.com/sports/football/roster/j-p--bolwahnn/1327 https://www.sandiego.edu/news/detail.php?_focus=39324
  6. I imagine the UNM or WSU qbs would take it in a heart beat. Guess it comes down to where you are getting these guys.
  7. I love that Reed is just playing well enough to keep playing and the second aggy goes to the portal for a qb, he's gone. He is a starter somewhere but he's not going to elevate a team to playoffs. It's a precarious spot to be in.
  8. Elko when he tells Weigman to go in...
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