I have a very recent one. In December my wife, mother in law, son, and wife's brother all went out to local pizza place for dinner. Just to back up a bit, my son is autistic and goes to an autism school in the same area. Anyway, we're eating dinner and at the table next to me there is a boy about my sons age and he goes to my sons school. I am so sure of it that I break out the class dojo app and find a picture and it's him. So my wife tells me to go say hello to the dad. I'm a couple beers in and sufficiently lubricated so I make my way over. I tap the dad on the shoulder and ask "Does your son go the autism school?" He gives me the absolute death stare and says 'no'. At that point I'm stunned and don't know what to say. Think I may have muttered something like 'I've seen him hanging with my kid'... Anyway the death stare continues. I just go back to my seat and never turn my head in their direction again. My brother in law astutely chimed in and said "you probably should have led with 'what school does your son go to?'". Instead I basically did the equivalent of "are you pregnant?"