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Butch Had Not

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Everything posted by Butch Had Not

  1. I guess I'll have to figure that out.
  2. Is this winner takes all or top 3 get payouts or something different altogether?
  3. You can leave it as is. It was a personal preference so I thought to ask.
  4. Any interest in expanding the bench spots? 4 is really low IMO.
  5. It's Chris ' cool team. I'll be changing it later.
  6. I like daily and saves only as well.
  7. I live on the west side of Phoenix, not too far from GCU (relatively speaking). The location of the school is absolutely shit right off of camelback and i17. They have their Berlin Wall surrounding it with their own Checkpoint Charlie to get in. It's pretty remarkable what they turned that school into but the area is absolutely terrible. This girl is not staying at GCU.
  8. I might be interested. Roto? 12 team or more would be my criteria. Hate head to head and not great at points leagues.
  9. Man, I'm envious. Had the curry as well and croquettes last time.
  10. Get the katsu sandwich?
  11. Pate's opinions are strongly influenced by 'insiders' like looch and valuing the words spouted by the coaches he interviews as absolute (mario and Lincoln). Now that he is in this influencer sphere where he interviews coaches, he's not going to say anything harsh and completely truthful as it would impact his access. So he just says the same things about every school that said team could win 10 games. His anti "you are what your record says you are" stance is getting old....among other things.
  12. Larry Johnson Jr played RB at pedo.
  13. I have a very recent one. In December my wife, mother in law, son, and wife's brother all went out to local pizza place for dinner. Just to back up a bit, my son is autistic and goes to an autism school in the same area. Anyway, we're eating dinner and at the table next to me there is a boy about my sons age and he goes to my sons school. I am so sure of it that I break out the class dojo app and find a picture and it's him. So my wife tells me to go say hello to the dad. I'm a couple beers in and sufficiently lubricated so I make my way over. I tap the dad on the shoulder and ask "Does your son go the autism school?" He gives me the absolute death stare and says 'no'. At that point I'm stunned and don't know what to say. Think I may have muttered something like 'I've seen him hanging with my kid'... Anyway the death stare continues. I just go back to my seat and never turn my head in their direction again. My brother in law astutely chimed in and said "you probably should have led with 'what school does your son go to?'". Instead I basically did the equivalent of "are you pregnant?"
  14. Judith was written so well that I wouldn't even hate fuck her. I would include her in this.
  15. Going to see Rush Tribute Project this evening in Mesa.
  16. He's a douche but I fell for the Chance Mock hype. I was hand wringing over who would be playing after VY showed up. He had a moment but that was a bust.
  17. Friend of mine gifted me this boat he never started.
  18. My grandmother had her trailer directly behind the Allsups in Crane. She would hand me quarters and would play arcade there for countless hours and then mix 10 flavors of the slush puppies.
  19. Glad you added that, I thought he was going for Adam Dunn.
  20. Thank you. Appreciate the kind words.
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