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Butch Had Not

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Everything posted by Butch Had Not

  1. Mr. Miyagi from his sitcom days to karate kid.
  2. Sadie's was place to eat when I lived there 20 years ago. Don't know now. Take the tram up to the top of the Sandias, it's pretty cool.
  3. Bobby's daughter Sophie looks like fun. I have to give him credit. So many of these foodies on food network are days away from a heart attack, Bobby has great genes or great discipline at 59.
  4. Forgot about that.
  5. Fuck. Tragic band. I had a friend that lived down near the club that burned down in Rhode Island. For me I thought house of broken love was so fucking good. Bluesy, rock, great vocals. Bet it covered by someone big would be a hit on the charts.
  6. All you wanted was a sandwich.
  7. Didn't Bisontits enter the portal and nobody notable was interested or didn't want to overpay so he came back?
  8. This might be anecdotal for me only but I have coffee mid day most days and it reduces my appetite. It's not perfect but it can help. Also, if you verge off the diet and binge don't think all is lost. The food you consumed could allow for a better workout and give you a bit more energy. So if it happens again, plan for a longer workout that day or next and see if that holds true for you.
  9. I spend plenty of time there. Love it. Can get stupid cold in winter or just normal cold. Best to have all wheel drive. Summers are great. Plenty of hiking. Close to sedona. Housing prices are too high. I missed the window to get a second home. Dining options aren't amazing but not bad either. You can walk to 6 breweries within a quarter mile (probably less actually). If you really need a finer night out you can go to sedona. The girls in yoga pants from NAU will be everywhere. If you are looking for quiet and just want a nice place that isn't stupid expensive but doesn't have a lot amenities, Lakeside/Pinetop in the white mountains could be worth looking at. Hiking, skiing, great weather (and winters similar to flagstaff) and a lot less people. Just be prepared to be bored if you are looking for nights out. It's pretty lousy for that.
  10. Butch Had Not


    John Bush might be one of my favorite metal singers ever. And was discussed as being the singer for metallica at one point.
  11. Holding steady around 155 to 160. Feels great. Challenging part is going off diet and not gain it all back. I'm in great condition from the gym though so I'm confident if I keep that up the fitness and not swerve too far off the diet that I'll hold steady at the weight. So far so good.
  12. I recently bought a turntable and started to pick up cheap albums (like the 3 to 5 dollar variety). One of the albums was Midnight Madness by Night Ranger. I never considered myself a huge fan or anythng. Holy fuck, not a bad song on there.
  13. I'm gonna give a prime rib a shot tomorrow. I have no idea what I'm doing.
  14. I'm going through billboard archives and looking at number 1s exclusively trying to find some songs that are lost. I never heard this one and it was number 1 in the early 80s. All the others that I think I don't know (like kenny Roger's and dolly, I immediately know from the songs chorus and hook). Is this one bigger than I think?
  15. OTF had Xavier Worthy's mom on this morning. I would marry that women. Hot, smart, and nice.
  16. Weren't they both in Die Hard 2?
  17. I'm happy for the dude if he's in a good spot.
  18. My other idea for a screen name here was gonna be Stringfellow Hawke. In hindsight I should had just did that.
  19. Totally forgot about this place. Amazing croquettes among other things. https://www.eenamisd.com/
  20. When I worked at OB, my favorite food hack was getting the dirty Mac. My favorite though was the Queensland c&s. Not the best quality wise but rich and hit the right notes.
  21. You ever do this?
  22. Make a run for Lanning. End up with Jedd.
  23. Avoid the Floyd That's my mantra
  24. Well if John madden liked it.... that's good enough for me. Begs the question. How did he end up in Van Horn?
  25. You just ruined my entire childhood. Jerk.
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