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Butch Had Not

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Everything posted by Butch Had Not

  1. Your own brother won't take him in at fucking Kentucky. Think about that. Dodged one there. Let's right this ship and fuck shit up.
  2. We were saying that same shit a year ago with Coleman, boulware, and hutzler. New year, New dreams.
  3. Didn't he turn down DC at UNT? What a fucking moron.
  4. Dude, it's a word sark used. You should email him and tell him your concerns. Edit: and tell him that you don't hire a fucking stoops as well.
  5. As a dad with a kid with autism, I have a soft spot for this guy as he has a son with it as well.
  6. Can this be renamed "2021 Quitters Thread"?
  7. Siap saw that @Mitch Cumsteen has laid with dogs on hardcore husky and didn't get crowd sourced. Good job.
  8. Or at least informs bowels and Davis because they are the most importantest .
  9. Hopefully question 1 in the interview was: How would you stop Riley?
  10. I THINK (could be wrong) but Bama had like 3 commits until summer time a year ago. Turned out ok for them.
  11. Did you hear? We hired a monkey that can assassinate you with a pole.
  12. You lost ANOTHER? This is the Ogre we all expected.
  13. He is coming. No point to hold the name off if it isn't a done deal. When it's unofficially official, it's safe to release. Not like that Lanning shit. If he is angling for a raise, why keep it low key and wishes for it to not be leaked?
  14. His CB coach is Will Harris. Preexisting relationship from SC. Not sure if he was responsible for Byron Murphy or not but was there when he was drafted.
  15. I mentioned his name as Pete Alphabet. No traction though.
  16. I threw that name out like 100 pages ago. If it was forgotten I don't blame them.
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