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Butch Had Not

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Everything posted by Butch Had Not

  1. Yeah but we got them on bottles on the field.
  2. That was an upside down gator chomp.
  3. Probably. Love his desire to share greeny with everyone. That's awesome. What would Gilmore strat or tele go for?
  4. I had never watched The Wolverine and didn't really have a reason why I didn't. Just passed me by over the years i guess. Well tonight at the gym it was on one of the TV's and I about fell off the exercise bike with how hot Tao Okamoto was in that movie. I had never heard of her before and damn....
  5. I think Sark has a dog days of October issue. It might be game prep fatigue by the team after the emotional highs of the big non conference and then trying to make conference games routine and not elevating the emotion and focus needed for the mid part of the season.
  6. Visually Ryan Day is extremely uptight. Bad energy vibes. Like he's feeling the pressure every week. Haven't seen him smile this season.
  7. Apalonia gets my vote.
  8. https://www.jerrycantrell.vip/tours/g25vac9qhwmzkqo9uh5yxzgxrhd0setf Coming to mesa.
  9. Same here. Probably not even close to the same HS though. Where you go?
  10. The Fly. So gruesome for my young mind. I've seen too much.
  11. I watched Teen Wolf and The Howling the same night with a friend when I was probably 9. The Howling was pretty scary for me at that time.
  12. Is this limited to horror? Swaml thing was kind of traumatic for me. Bachelor Party... maybe 8 years old was nothing i had ever imagined before.
  13. My best friend from HS is in this movie. Think he gets his ass kicked in the opening scene. I actually need to see it. He tries hard and has been an extra in tons of movies or has a bit part but generally it's bad movies he does.
  14. Give me some chon chon!
  15. Favorite youtube comment of the weekend was: "Lincoln Riley successfully destroyed two programs at the same time"
  16. Marion? Or he want head coaching job somewhere?
  17. Same VB that jimbo took fishing in a hazardous waste pond.
  18. I'm still baffled that Lee Jackson's acting career never took off after this. Looking mean and shaking your head is some great character work.
  19. No aggy. This is the second best offense our defense has played this year. Our D plays against our offense enough to know what good O looks like.
  20. I hope we have a lot left in the playbook we haven't shown and are ready to dial it up.
  21. Didn't he have his best offenses at UNT when Harrell was the OC? It felt like just scanning the scoreboard the following seasons that he had a drop off but not sure if they lost an all world QB as well or important other personnel were no longer there.
  22. Tomato also has a youtube channel
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