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Butch Had Not

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Everything posted by Butch Had Not

  1. What about ol Gus? Would he or Odom sprint to Arkansas and whoever was available first gets it?
  2. Someone let this soccer pussy into the league
  3. You have a connection here?
  4. He might be frustrated with coaches getting poached every off-season as well as his perceived best players. He has a longer runway to fuck up at Ole miss than Florida for sure but he would be paid handsomely at Florida. He was petty close to taking the auburn job from reports. Jedd hasn't stayed anywhere very long and it's known he's from Florida. Would he leave? I don't know but he's not about loyalty. So who do they get? They aren't going to take a chance on a chadwell. The next hot coordinator? Ex SEC coach that was previously fired? What's the play here?
  5. Someone at like Utah st needs to hire this guy. https://minesathletics.com/staff-directory/pete-sterbick/189
  6. Time to switch to the good guys. This is 66-3 comeuppance.
  7. @Sbbruin Foster gone after this season?
  8. Did Kobe Black get into the game? I kind of forgot about him with how the other freshman are playing.
  9. The days of insurance agents officiating major college football should have ended 10 years ago. Inspired by the josh pate rant tonight.
  10. Odom, kiffin, or Jedd the next coach?
  11. Arnold has bj symonds level of douchiness.
  12. Moveable object vs resistable force
  13. @kyleumlang i don't do Twitter 26 to 16 Florida wins
  14. This was why I posted it. Couldn't remember the posters name. In hindsight I should have just not linked it. It was like written by him, for him.
  15. I did... kind of a joke. Haven't hit them out lately.
  16. @immamac Please delete that shit...
  17. It's terrible and I want to delete that shit now..
  18. LOL https://www.marca.com/en/ncaa/2024/09/12/66e1e57322601dfd0d8b45d2.html
  19. @Longhornfrenzy Any bans tonight?
  20. Hold onto your jungle juice and jello shots.... we're gonna have a party.
  21. He really thought Hunter Helm played well.
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