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Everything posted by Luv2win

  1. Great job Coach Bo!!! A good ass chewin' is long over due for Horn fans to witness. Not a game for Coach Bo but a way of life. Watching play and execution on the field to date, some of'em probably could care less anyway. Cleaning house needs to happen. Team knows who the "give-a-shit's" are...let'em transfer...although what Coach in his right mind would take'em? Hook'em!!
  2. Yeah, have had issues with Vidgo server but for most part it's been OK for me for last 7 months. Have come to despise all pay TV due to the enormous amount of ad/commercial content. Really is out of control. But, it is what is will be.....Hook'em!
  3. Poor man's answer for streaming service....Vidgo.....subscription for $55/mo....offer LHN. No sure bout bootleg streams....
  4. BJ Foster needs to sit....to many arm tackles missed for gaines that end up being critical to game outcome....as for interceptions a blind hog wins every now and then but not when the chips are down....like now!!!
  5. Way too much clapping going on on both sides of the ball....poor execution with tackling and blocking to cover for not scoring points...we'll see if lead is enough to win...
  6. Sitting at my bar......It's 5 o'clock somewhere and it's confirmed.....OU STILL SUCKS!!
  7. JD EMMANUEL 1982 WIZARDS LP https://jdemmanuel.com/wizards.shtml Interesting background regarding "electronic music"
  8. Luv2win

    Concept Albums

    Early abstract - ambient concept
  9. Fingers are really stiff (RA) this AM...writer rather than writter....thousand pardons!
  10. Best writter / singer of true "tear jerkers"......"cry in your beer" ever known to man.... George Glenn Jones.....The "Possum"
  11. Luv2win


    Without being disrespectful to the owner, I do understand your comments. However, to my knowledge there is no urgent need to sell this collection. At this point, owner is willing to keep searching for private collector's expertise of authentication rather than inviting outside third parties. Not trying to disparage other third parties but thats the direction at this point. And after cataloging the first 5K plus LP's there are an additional 1K release versions that did not show up when searching on label data. So, as a result those additional 1K may be more desired/valuable to a private collector than the cataloged 5K. Who knows, may be several unknown valuable discoveries in that group.....also, sorry to say no whipped cream so no lacrosse! Grand kids will be in tears.... Thank you for your comments!
  12. Luv2win


    Consider myself to be a novice when determining collectable vinyl values. Your comment about shops in Metroplex and first editions is very helpful. Collection has many release variations of Rock and Jazz. Many from 50's and 60's. Many big names original master recordings. Many release variations not found in on-line databases, whether that's good or bad. Guess it depends on artist. Still, task at hand is to get exposure to private collector's and deal directly. Will check if there is any whipped cream.....thanks yall
  13. Luv2win


    Thanks very much for your comments. Yes, after cataloging, do have an idea of genres and eras of music in the collection. Multiple genres from 30's to 00's. So, when mentioning high end shops....what defines a "high end shop"?
  14. Luv2win


    After reading some of the post's here I thought this may be a good place for some feedback regarding selling a vinyl collection. Collection belongs to a friend and as such I've been cataloging it for her over the past 3 years. As for collection size, it is in excess of 5K LP's. This past July, I posted here regarding Austin Record Show asking opinions about the event. Since then she has decided for the present, not to attend due to health issues (elderly) and Covid19 becoming active once again. Anyway, I am very much a novice with vintage LP value(s) but am educating myself over time. I know there are websites that proclaim LP values. However, that's a single release value and not a collection value. So, the task at hand is selling a vinyl collection. Any suggestions regarding how to get this collection exposure is much appreciated.
  15. DKR first home game 1957 vs Tulane....good guys 20-6. Hook'em!!
  16. Luv2win


    Anyone ever attended vinyl show coming up in October at Palmer...believe its Austin Record Convention/Show? Is it good venue to find good deals on collectible vinyl? Just curious..... have 8 hr round-trip drive to attend. Thanks
  17. Rally, rally, rally!!! Get the zombies excited.....geez what a lull in Omaha...need to score more than 1 here!!!
  18. No life in dugout...no Coach motivation...lost at the plate and no fire at all from anyone...not Texas baseball!!!
  19. Bats have to come alive!!! No excuse for Zubia or Melendez to crater at the plate....they are the heart of the batting order and are not making it happen!!! Let'em sit so someone else can bring new life!!! Time to put up or go home....NO EXCUSES!!!
  20. Think the magic number here with streaming service is round $360.00/yr. plus tax. So simple math says if the $12.49/mo plan is selected then billing is $150.00 one-time annual charge up front with savings to customer of $210.00/year. But if service is only option to watch Horns baseball then it may be worth the money...Hook'em!
  21. 1976 Texas @ Boston College Alumni Stadium Chestnut Hill,MA Boston College 14 Texas 13 Game ending 53 yard field goal attempt..no good..wide left by a yard Long trip back home....
  22. Was a collective team effort with bad play today....basketball stupid all around...what was it Norman Dale said? ""Team, team, team!" No team play today to include zero leadership or effective adjustments from coach...but it was fun being in top 10 for a while....maybe they'll pull their collective heads out and make it to sweet 16 or better....they are capable....Hook'em!!
  23. Looking at home schedule....no mention of LHN carrying games? TBD or just not noted? Also, schedule shows FloSports streaming Arlington games...they worth the money? Hope so cause their the only streaming service I've found.
  24. Have a very good friend fighting blood cancer and is a Longhorn fan as well.....he would be very proud of Team overcoming odds of bad officiating and semi-good play of WV...nice come back Horns!!! Great shot Andrew Jones !!!
  25. Ringmaster Herman needs a tent for this pitiful football circus!!! Have the coaches already left the sidelines and team for haltime? If so, may be an advantage for Horns!
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