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Everything posted by Luv2win

  1. Sorry excuse for Texas football....sorry coaching....sorry execution...piece of shit attitude on defense...clean up you're house and put pride of Texas back on the field you sorry no count team!!!
  2. 1957 home game with Tulane....DKR's first home game.....20-6 Horns
  3. Prospective student-athletes and current enrolled athlethes want to dictate traditional change affecting 100+ years of alumni history should earn the right to do so other than holding their fists in the air and intemidate making change or else regardless of race....let'em go somewhere else...no more free ride schorlarships, go to class, earn your degree and participate in sports if desired...if a coach is worth the millions he's being paid then let him coach up what personel he has to work with and respect the institution for which he works. Politics has not place in college sports!
  4. So in college baseball does "blue" behind the plate (crew chief) have sole jurisdiction of reviewing and confirming/overturning calls or is there another crew member (off the field) observing video assisting with the final ruling?
  5. All time series: Horns lead 9 - 7 - 1 Tonight Horns protect lead with 27 - 24 win and take all time series to 10 - 7 - 1 Hook'em!!!
  6. Best of both worlds was Kern Tips on the air waves for SWC action and Wally in the Press Box for the Horns. They enticed the crowd to listen rather than just hear noise from the PA system. Ability to deliver great game color, play-by-play, and possess football acumen needed for 100K plus crowds....improves the total game experience IMHO.
  7. Simply said...Gundy has whipped Herman's ass without mercy in 1Q / 2Q....40 yr old man is teaching class on coaching....hopefully Herman can pull himself together and coach a come back in 3Q / 4Q...as for player execution....Herman may not have a chance tonight...time will tell. Hook'em!
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