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Everything posted by FondrenRoad

  1. I dont really want to take away their statehood. I simply think that playing by rules from the 1800s designed to gobble up land from coast to coast is a dumb way to govern in the 21st century. There is no more land left to gobble up. Time to start focusing on the people instead of the land. So I dont think that Wyoming with 600,000 pepple should have the power it has over California's 40 million people. Let the 40 million people speak for themselves. If the only option is to revoke statehood, then we do that. But I'd prefer we just reform our fucked up system instead.
  2. Not at all. They have disproportionate voting power. It is anti-democratic. I dont care how they vote. The vote of every US citizen should be equal. The less populous states have the Senate to keep their voice heard. They should not have been given the reins to the 2 most powerful parts of our government. 1 is a check. 2 is tyranny. This has allowed them to be tyrants from a minority position. This has also led to our current state of polarization, and why this nation will not survive without reform.
  3. The play in that framework are the 2 statewide electors that represent the Senate. This would still be geared toward minority rule, albeit less so than the current system. The EC is simply a stupid system. If we want states, rather than people, to pick the President, then we should just do that instead. This is compounded by the charade of electors being people themselves and being selected to vote a certain way. We could at least ditch that part of the nonsense and just start counting "virtual" electors that automatically "vote" based on the real vote without having them be appointed.
  4. States should also have a minimum population to be states and have Senators. If they don't have it, they can merge with another state or revert to territory status.
  5. And the guy they selected to stop elitists from treating poor people and workers like shit, is an actual wealthy born elitist who treats people and his workers like shit. I am getting tired of the king. What we need instead is a king.
  6. It will be harder to gerrymander with smaller districts. Gerrymandering requires giving away districts by packing them with your opponents. There will be more of those. But also, the margin needed to create a "safe" gerrymandered district for yourself is 10 to 15 points. Right now, the disenfranchised team needs to swing 50 to 100k votes to flip it. That margin would be 5k with smaller districts. Something that can easily be flipped by a grassroots effort. So if you wanted to make it safe, you'd have to pack more of your voters in, and in doing so, give even more Sheila Jackson Lee districts to your opponent.
  7. Nope. He lies instinctively, even for useless things where the truth is benign and a lie is unnecessary. You could ask him if he is drinking water while he has a glass of water in his hand and he would say no.
  8. Jets games are over well before they start. In fact, I believe they are already 0-16 for the 2021 season.
  9. What if I jerked off to her when she was still fat?
  10. I like her and her platform, but she also attacks other Dems. In fact, her initial campaign included direct attack rhetoric on Dem moderates. She should have expected that they would return fire. Lately, she has come around to understanding the need to win swing districts and states. I think cooler heads will prevail at some point and the intraparty attacks will slow down in both directions. As for running in her shadow, that's just another bullshit double standard Dems have to deal with. Meanwhile, Republican moderates never get saddled with Gaetz or the Q anon representatives, and barely get saddled with Trump. Its easier to run on fear and hate than it is to run on actual policy.
  11. Every mail in ballot in PA was filled in with calligraphy ink only used in China. In, Michigan, Trump observers reported smelling a faint smell of Chinese food when mail-in ballots were opened. That's why poll workers made them stand further away. The paper on some Georgia mail-in ballots is made from fiber only found in Iran.
  12. Modify Senate rules so that they have to vote on every nominee from the President and every bill from the House. They can vote down things, but they shouldn't be allowed to sit on them. This will at least force them to go on record.
  13. There is such a thing as show chickens? Who knew? Learn something new every day. Picayune, MS might very well be the worst place in America. Definitely the worst I've been to.
  14. Leave the Senate alone. Get rid of the EC and let every US citizen vote for President no matter where they reside. Even expat citizens are paying federal taxes.
  15. The old way wasn't fair. Let's say you are healthy and lose your job. COBRA is as expensive as fuck, so you pay it for a few months but decide that rent and food need to come first. So you roll the dice. 2 months later, still unemployed, you find out you have a serious issue. Even if you find a new job, your new policy likely won't cover it. So you're fucked. And all because you couldn't afford to drop 1k a month on insurance while unemployed. If we are gonna keep our fucked up system, maybe health insurance should be added to unemployment. The mandate needs to be auto enrollment in the cheapest available policy. And that premium amount needs to be the tax penalty.
  16. Dumbass. 75 a year is nothing for that. Although since he was offering to cover costs once the fire was burning, they should have negotiated. Let the market decide. I'm sure there was an amount that would have caused them to spring into action. Maybe 1/4 to 1/2 of the value of the home.
  17. He should make that argument and then be arrested for voter fraud for faking a Florida residency when he is actually a DC resident.
  18. This. I will help them pack. Out of all the states, the poorest and least educated wants out? I'd be happy to take back the federal tax money they take from my state.
  19. Easy to see how that happens. That district is probably gerrymandered to have every minority in Oklahoma in it.
  20. They did, but fucking with player service time is something every team does. But I guess you would generally hate the team that does it to you more than the team that does it to others.
  21. Was wondering about the comfort factor. What temperature is it when you are actually injected with it?
  22. Of course. We are about to see what its like to be on the Titanic, but instead of having a Captain that helps others get to safety while going down with the ship, we have a Captain who is stealing the last life boat after taking a sledge hammer to the remaining hull.
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