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Everything posted by FondrenRoad

  1. Of course he is running again. Once he thinks this through, he'll even be happy with losing to Biden. Now he can have a campaign slush fund for 4 more years. Its been his single largest income stream for the last 5 years. And during those 5, he had to spend some of it on actual campaign expenses. Not anymore. He'll still get every dime every Cletus in the nation makes, but now he doesn't have to worry about renting arenas. He'll show up every now and then in the parking lots of Four Seasons Landscaping, Hilton Pool Cleaners, and Sheraton Used Cars, and most of those business owners will pay him for the honor. Throw in a new partnership with Breitbart and OAN and his grift train may even pick up some steam.
  2. Non-natural born citizens can be speaker. They will just be left out of the line of succession. Same with all the other positions in the line of succession besides VP.
  3. What's the minimum range of an ICBM?
  4. Or he could switch and vote the exact same way he does, or even vote super liberally, and red voters will support him since he has an R next to his name. It might actually be possible to run on Bernie's platform as an R and win. Just don't say the word socialist.
  5. Its also pretty telling that, while both are equally unqualified and seem to have roughly the same level of intelligence, he has given all the adviser work to his daughter's husband rather than her. He definitely operates under the "man of the house" theory. On the flip side, I believe Melania was on board with his beliefs. I think she was satisfied being opinionless subservient eye candy in exchange for living a life of opulence. Its why she has struggled being forced into a job where outreach work and initiative is expected.
  6. Trump rarely challenges men unless it is out of absolute necessity like Biden. And while he attacked Biden, he doesn't do it with the same vitriol that he uses with women like Hillary or AOC. While he is racist, he's an even bigger misogynist.
  7. You are taking a huge risk assuming that Trump has been paying the helicopter maintenance company in a timely manner. Especially since he has been flying in Marine 1 on our dime for 4 years. That thing is probably just about ready to fall out of the sky.
  8. The only one pushing anything is you. I agreed with you. I don't like the term either. I also said I would call an individual by that term if that individual wanted me to call them by that term. "Cultural imperialism" is meaningless when it comes to this topic. And you're right. Spanish is not homogenized. So why denigrate native Spanish speakers in the USA and say they "don't get" the language. I also haven't seen any push by anyone to make this a universal term in Spanish across every country. Largely, the push, even within the USA, has been about the use of the term in English, not Spanish. Something, again, I am also against. And also, its a relatively small amount of people that are pushing this term at all. You look like someone who is just looking for a grievance, no matter how small, to justify your vote. Instead, just own your vote outright.
  9. Why do you assume white non-hispanic Americans invented the term Latinx? They didn't. I do agree its a bad term though. The masculine form is also used for mixed plural and for generic/unknown individuals for every other animal. If there is a bone to pick, its with the entire Spanish language. If we're speaking English, we could also use the generic term Latin instead. In English, the simplest solution would have been to remove gender from the noun entirely instead of creating a genderless gendered ending in a language that doesn't attach gender to nouns. However, if someone wants me to call them Latinx, then I will call them Latinx. This is what gender choice is really about.
  10. If Pence does it, then whatever. Pence can always fuck off. Biden under no circumstances should pardon Trump if given the opportunity.
  11. Four cities? He got his ass kicked in the popular vote and probably lost every single city over a million in the entire country. He lost my city by a bigger margin than he lost the magic 4. What red wave?
  12. Dems would never win if they did that by themselves. They'd be giving away CA and NY ECs for nothing. If we have to keep ECs, they should get rid of the extra 2 (Senator) ECs entirely. At least make this charade have some semblance of fairness. But the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact is better anyway. But you need states totaling 270 ECs to sign up. So far, states with a potential 196 ECs have signed up so far. It will never happen either though. Red states won't sign up, and purple states love the money and attention of being swing states so they won't sign up either.
  13. Yang is right. Also, he rarely gets called the dirty word socialist in spite of being one. Don't embrace labels. Especially ones that most of America was trained to hate instinctively for 75 years. Embrace ideas instead. Understand the word is dirty and use it that way too. Call Republicans evil socialists as well for corporate bailouts. Eventually the word will be buried as an attack possibility.
  14. At least we don't have to wait that long for that to happen.
  15. They should say, "sir, you are leaving in one of 3 ways. Your choice." Then show him a pair of handcuffs, a stretcher, and a body bag
  16. Court packing won't happen. But PR statehood might.
  17. I think its by actual votes. You either have 50%+1 of votes cast or you don't.
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