In order for this to be accurate, this large group of people would have to be siloed in a place where they can only see Trump's negative messaging about a Biden gaffe, while they are unable to see any of the negative messaging regarding Trump's 100s of daily gaffes. So they only watch Fox News, I guess. If that's the case, they were always voting for Trump anyway.
I know you think these people exist. Like me, you probably thought some of your family members belong to that group. They don't. These are people that were always voting for Trump. When they tell you "both choices suck," or "Trump may be bad, but look at Hunter Biden," or "I can't vote for someone that is pro-choice," or "all lives matter," or "Obama was just as bad," or "Democrats are anti-Christian," they are looking for a way to justify their Trump vote to you, and perhaps to themselves. Ultimately, they may even tell you they didn't vote or that they voted for Biden, but they'll be lying. They are voting for Trump because they want to maintain white Christian hegemony. Some are actively xenophobic in that desire, but most are passively afraid that minority ethnicities and religions will treat white people and Christians just as shittily as white people and Christians treated them. So they fight against equality. Trump only gives them mental anguish because he is so openly vile. What they really desire is someone who maintains the hegemony somewhat quietly and who isn't as disgusting as Trump.