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Everything posted by FondrenRoad

  1. That family voted Trump. They just don't want to admit it. However, real voters like that should vote third party.
  2. This. And as an Astros fan, I've seen some bad moves. This topped all of them.
  3. I'm kind of surprised they do. The GOP has never been about extra enfranchisement.
  4. Oh I'm gonna vote, sweetie. I'm just gonna do it on election day like a proper asshole.
  5. Herman Cain was in the outer circle, not the inner circle. Plus, Trump didn't have it himself yet. He doesn't give a fuck about other people. Christie may have also benefited from being a white guy in the inner circle versus a black guy in the outer circle, but he absolutely benefitted from getting it after Trump. I know a few people that were hospitalized with it in the first outbreak. One of my best friends spent 2 weeks in the hospital himself and almost lost his wife to it. If there is a potential cure, then give it to everyone. Instead, we only know early intervention matters. And expensive early intervention matters even more. And we also know hospitals turn people away when they arent "bad enough." Meanwhile I know Trump and Christie were practically asymptomatic on admission. Trump is going to get over the top care, and sadly, he deserves it as President. Christie is probably on private insurance. Do we know his provider? If so, every other person on his same insurance should be able to sue that insurer over the disparity.
  6. Maybe. But I do think Trump voters are rabid so they will vote early. Also, the Electoral College is a monkey wrench. Trump may lose the popular vote by 20+ million votes. But he could still win the presidency. Just like he will probably still win your state and Florida.
  7. Thats way early. No way. Polls will still be open in most, if not all, states. But I do get what you're saying. The pacific states ain't voting Trump. But those lines in Atlanta, Houston, Saint Louis. They're gonna be left out in the cold. Only one machine was working when the polls closed. And you know that Harris and Fulton County only claimed to need 3 voting machines for each of their only 3 or 4 precincts. I'm probably waiting until election day myself even though I was really just a single unexpected conference call away from voting today. Early voting by me is all long lines and almost a mile walk away. Meanwhile my precinct hasn't had a line in any election since I've lived here, and all the rabid voters are early voting. But Biden will win close to 90 percent of my precinct and probably 70 percent of my state. They arent trying to disenfranchise me. The real difference between the GOP and Dems is seen in Max Rose's district. A Dem state allows it to be competitive. A GOP state wouldn't.
  8. There have been quite a lot of covid infections around the President. Most of them among old and/or unhealthy people. Yet no deaths yet. We know Trump got experimental early treatment. Is everyone around him getting the same? What saved Christie? Had Christie caught covid in the first NY/NJ outbreak, he would have been near guaranteed to die.
  9. The Lincoln Project are the original bad enablers of the GOP and the Federalist Society, but they also see the writing on the wall. Judges mean nothing if the populace is ungovernable. Trump thinks that throwing even more money at cops will shut down protests. The Lincoln Project knows better. They know you need to passify the populace, and right now the populace is ready to start kicking down doors. Dick Cheney always knows how to save himself. The Lincoln Project does that. Sadly, the Lincoln Project shitstains are going to win. They took America to the exact point they desired, and they are going to be able to stop the bleeding right at that point.
  10. Also, she never really wanted to retire. She was always going to work until she died in spite of her brief flirtation with retirement. She happened to die when Trump was President. She moved us forward. That is her legacy. Others may move us backward after her, but that is their legacy, not hers.
  11. Nope. It doesn't. Even though it has its own faults. But I can help the plight of minorities in your state better if your majority isn't actively fucking up my state as well. We'd all be better off if we had treated the south as the vanquished enemy it was. We should have treated them the same way we treated the Germans and the Japanese.
  12. She tried so hard to make it apolitical, that she ultimately made it even more political. Republicans have no such qualms. Ask Kennedy. I wish everyone would play the work together game. But the GOP doesn't. Nor do their judges. Dems need to nut up. If they get the Senate and Presidency, they need to ram their dick down the GOPs throat in the same way the GOP does it. Without compromise. Breyer is a spry 82, but he should step down if Biden wins, and Biden should nominate someone in their 20s. Breyer should do that even while the Dems pack the courts. And now that I jinxed him, Breyer will probably die tomorrow.
  13. That is already settled law. Less Filling won because Tastes Great was factually incorrect.
  14. That being said, I suppose optimistic is the wrong word. Ultimately, conservatives have sold me on states' rights. Stop federally taxing me, prevent movement between states without an explicit reciprocal agreement, and yall can do whatever you want in your states. Most states aren't interested in a better future. Why not let the uncoupling happen naturally by giving those states the "rights" they seek? Then, they will quit stealing my money and sending it to Iraq when I'd rather have it fund healthcare and welfare in my own state.
  15. Like her or not, and I don't, she has a history. She has written opinions. They arent as thoughtless as Thomas'.
  16. I'm cautiously optimistic that Barrett understands what's going on. Even if McConnell and Trump think the people are willing to take more, we are past the breaking point. If America isn't going to represent 70% of its population, then what does that say about the future of America? If Barrett does her job correctly and sides with the right side of history in a couple of pre-inauguration cases, the court packing thing probably goes away. She can later become Thomas 2.0 a few years down the road, but she is going to have to decide correctly on the ACA and the election if she wants to continue having a country to be a justice in. Likewise, undoing gay marriage will equal civil war. The difference now from other potential insurrections is that state governments will begin to get on board with civil war as well. The last time that happened, we know how it turned out.
  17. Of course. After reelection is when the purges begin. In Russia, Turkey, and Venezuela. The crazy thing is that Trump likes to say Biden will make us Venezuela because he only sees things in a dumb socialist/capitalist dichotomy. The truth is that Venezuela is fascist regardless of its underlying economic system. And it is hard to say that Trumpist America is capitalist anyway. Instead, state money is funneled into the corporations that kneel before the king. Companies like Boeing and Conagra aren't exactly private enterprise.
  18. Yet Trump is still all bad. The 1/100 Van Jones references isn't due to any intentionally good or kind action by Trump. Its simply the blind squirrel finding a nut. The left picks that fight with Van Jones because they believe that Trump deserves no credit even in the 1/100 times that Trump accidentally gets something right. And I think you can see that too. You probably like Trump's SCOTUS picks, but do you think Trump was being kind or good to you when he was picking them? No, the federalist society and judicial watch instead blew Trump and laid cover for all sorts of terrible things so that he would choose their picks.
  19. The real question isn't whether Mitch will die. Its whether Mitch is already dead.
  20. You think he is capable of the teamwork required? The guy would use his own squad as human shields. And the shit he would have done to Vietnamese civilians would have made My Lai look tame.
  21. You think Melania voted for Trump?
  22. I can't blame politics for my waning interest in Longhorn football. I can't even blame aging as I'm still a pretty rabid fan of the Astros and Rockets. I blame a decade of bad coaching and the frustratingly poor and unwatchable play on the field that comes from it. I still watch about half the games though. I just don't have any expectations and ultimately almost don't care whether we win or lose anymore.
  23. The slope ends up being too slippery. People should be able to wear whatever they want to the polls including campaign shirts, openly offensive clothing, or no clothes at all.
  24. In order for this to be accurate, this large group of people would have to be siloed in a place where they can only see Trump's negative messaging about a Biden gaffe, while they are unable to see any of the negative messaging regarding Trump's 100s of daily gaffes. So they only watch Fox News, I guess. If that's the case, they were always voting for Trump anyway. I know you think these people exist. Like me, you probably thought some of your family members belong to that group. They don't. These are people that were always voting for Trump. When they tell you "both choices suck," or "Trump may be bad, but look at Hunter Biden," or "I can't vote for someone that is pro-choice," or "all lives matter," or "Obama was just as bad," or "Democrats are anti-Christian," they are looking for a way to justify their Trump vote to you, and perhaps to themselves. Ultimately, they may even tell you they didn't vote or that they voted for Biden, but they'll be lying. They are voting for Trump because they want to maintain white Christian hegemony. Some are actively xenophobic in that desire, but most are passively afraid that minority ethnicities and religions will treat white people and Christians just as shittily as white people and Christians treated them. So they fight against equality. Trump only gives them mental anguish because he is so openly vile. What they really desire is someone who maintains the hegemony somewhat quietly and who isn't as disgusting as Trump.
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