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Everything posted by FondrenRoad

  1. Dodge. Dodge. Dodge. Of course, China controls information for their citizens. And while that is largely negative, it also protects Chinese citizens from the external disinformation campaign that your benefactors wage against the west. Well that and your benefactors arent really interested in disrupting China right now. You protect Russia. Clearly. Why? Russia made Trump. They made Triple. Neither "colluded." They're both pawns. Yet you support the continued production of more pawns.
  2. Here is the thing. Everyone knows English. First targets, USA and UK. Trump and Brexit. Romance languages are the second most popular. In spite of Russia being very close to Japan and Korea, fluent speakers would have higher positions than pumping out internet bullshit because there aren't too many of them. Also, Asian countries arent afraid to quell speech on social media. How many languages do you know? Create a Q Twitter account and start retweeting. Tell me how many accounts you believe belong to native English speakers.
  3. I don't need to ask him. I know where he got it from. The same "disinformation clowns" that you protect on the Mueller report thread.
  4. Asian countries aren't being targeted with disinformation by those you protect. Western democracies are heavily targeted. How do you think Q, a quintessentially American conspiracy, spread through Europe and Canada? How did it even spread in America?
  5. This. Think Nats fans give a shit about not winning the division last year? A streaking team will probably win it. Astros are capable of streaking. I would be ecstatic if we won, but the team still needs significant work. Dodgers have had the "best" team for 3 years now. Their fans are a shitshow who make asterisks hats. Actually winning matters more than having a team built to win. Also this season will have a display in Cooperstown all to itself. Its historic. No asterisk to it. It will be remembered more than most regular seasons. That being said, this team needs serious work and isn't winning shit.
  6. See, but this is what happens when you protect those who push disinformation. Do you think triple came to these decisions on his own?
  7. The American conspiracy virus is spreading. In Canada in particular. Your pure as the driven snow Russians have done quite a bit to make that happen as well. And who knows the real numbers on deaths per capita. I imagine that Brazil probably leads across the board. Their numbers are high with intentional undercounting. They are like if Florida became an independent country. Just bad all around.
  8. This. x1000. And about every topic. News. Recipes. How to fix an issue with your phone. I don't want to watch a bunch of bullshit before they get to the point. I would always rather read. Especially when its instructional. The reason is money though. Pay per watch is still lucrative. Pay per click isn't. You know how many print reporters are "influencers?" Zero.
  9. I suppose self promotion can be a goal for an individual villain, but it provides nothing for the villain's lackeys to strive for. This is what really sets Trump apart. None of his lackeys give a shit about his goal of self promotion. They join so they can promote their own evil acts and they feed his self promotion as a means to achieve their own goals. The Joker wants to kill Batman so that criminals can have free reign. Other criminals sign up for that goal. ISIS wants a fundamentalist state. Other villains sign up to ISIS because they have the same goal. Trump has no real goals, but wants followers who will promote him. He also has no ethical or moral code so he will give his followers anything they want so long as they promote him. Evangelicals join so they can push for their fundamentalist state. White supremacists join so they can push for their ethnonationalist state. Sick xenophobes join so they can gleefully torture immigrant children. Conspiracy theorists join so they can push their nutjob conspiracies. Etc. Etc. Trump allows for a Pandora's box of negative outcomes.
  10. That is because its another one of those things that would be a massive scandal for any other Presidency, but for Trump, it didn't even make the top 5 for the day it was reported.
  11. Neither way is a good solution. Victims should have the ability to sue. However, that cost should not fall solely on the taxpayers. I am normally a pro-union guy, but PDs have used their unions to shelter bad actors and remove disciplinary actions from state control. The union, along with union controlled assets such as pensions, should be the target of these lawsuits. This would also cause police to change their tactics very quickly. Currently, there are almost zero repercussions for police when they protect the worst among them. Exposing their collective nest egg will force the good and the silent to finally throw out the trash.
  12. Johnny Lawrence was more honest than the hero, Daniel LaRusso. Both were more honest than Trump. Villains tend to be pretty straightforward. They have goals that will impact others negatively if they come to fruition. What sets Trump apart is that he has no goals. His entire endgame is self promotion and nothing more. Because of that, he has allowed 100s of other villains with actual goals to rise up in his wake.
  13. It doesn't count as cheating if you make the hooker sign an NDA. Any God fearing evangelical knows that.
  14. Normally, there isn't a time when all 3 leagues are in action at the same time.
  15. The bash brother As kind of kicked off the steroid era league wide. Aggy cheating killed SMU who was trying to play catch up and pretty much ended the SWC where "everyone was doing it too."
  16. Fuck. Might be looking at history today after Houston's mlb, nba, and nfl teams all lose on the same day.
  17. Agree, but out of curiosity, what did Bush do? Supposedly, none of the Bushes of consequence voted for Trump in 2016 and aren't planning on doing it this year either.
  18. This is why single payer is a better system. That way people can't choose to opt out while healthy and then try to opt in when they become sick. And they can all pay in to the system via their taxes. Our opt in insurance model simply isn't an efficient way to pay for or distribute healthcare.
  19. Future crimes. I can't wait to see how Alito justifies that shit. However, I don't see why Pence would do it. The moment Trump resigns, he becomes completely worthless politically to Pence. In fact, Pence would probably benefit more politically from Trump pretending to be a martyr while in federal prison.
  20. Yes, but that assist really came from Trump supporters and not the American people as a whole. Had Trump worn a mask early and encouraged others to wear masks early, nearly all of the Karens and freedom fry patriots starting shit in stores about "my rights" would have been wearing masks the whole time. And we'd have this shit under control already. Trump is unique in that his people would literally follow him off a cliff. But they would also follow him to shelter. He knows that and yet he led them off a cliff anyway, and they dragged the rest of us off it with them. Given their willingness to die for him, even outside of covid, he really did lose a golden opportunity to actually be a uniter. Imagine him going to a rally and saying, "Liberals aren't your enemy. We are all Americans and its time to come together." This isn't something that anyone else would have had the power to do. Just Trump.
  21. I think your suspicion is accurate. Trump doesn't know the difference. I don't think Xi told him anything different from the WHO in early February. Strange to say this about a US President, but I imagine world leaders and his advisors usually try to explain things to him in the same way you would explain things to a child. When explaining covid and why we wear masks to my first grader, I did talk about air and breathing. That could be taken as meaning airborne. Talking about droplets and vapor and other things that can reside briefly in the air is too complex. Plus you have to be careful explaining microscopic things to avoid the "there are things living on me and in me!!!!" reaction from children.
  22. We have seen that 3 word phrase written 100s of times now in the last 4 years. Another 3 word phrase has always followed it. Nothing fucking matters.
  23. Is this the vaccine Trump wants to release by November?
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