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Everything posted by FondrenRoad

  1. Not true. Its possible. I went back in time and slept with your mom 9 months before you were born. You don't think you got your looks from your dad, do you?
  2. 0%? Thats just not how people work. Some people find a niche that they believe calls for damaging one or more of their demographics in exchange for insuring they maintain their current personal gain. And they feel the need to secure that relative gain. Think Diamond and Silk, Kanye, or Samuel L Jackson in Django Unchained. Or Bin Laden's niece from a Muslim perspective. Or from a women's rights perspective. Kayleigh McEnany, Melania, etc. In a world of equality, all of these people are worse off than they are now. So they support inequality.
  3. I am the guy that understands it and votes for the non evil option even if I would like other options. You are the guy that understands it, but enables the evil option anyway.
  4. Can you imagine the shitstorm that would have occurred had Obama saluted a North Korean general?
  5. I do align with the progressive takeover. Bu t it isn't happening because there are far too many ex-republicans voting in democratic primaries across the nation. They found Biden more palatable than other candidates. Hopefully some, if not most, of them will move back to the GOP once Trump is done with it. I suppose that is something caused by the "brokenness" of the 2 party system as well. However, I think the bigger issue is that there is no barrier to entry for a voter or a candidate that wants to join a party. And while you may think having multiple parties is the solution, there is nothing stopping a communist from running as a "libertarian" either. The real solution is to ban parties altogether. Run on your own platform as you and nothing more. And for the record, while I am progressive, I'm not a Bernie-ist. I think his crew suffers from the same cult of personality that afflicts Trumpists. There are a variety of different progressive ideas and potential candidates. Many progressive ideas are more forward thinking than Bernie's, so the idea that only Bernie is "good" has been detrimental to the progressive movement in general, IMO. Bernie makes a lot of noise, but he has never done much more than that. Had progressives rallied around Warren, she would be the candidate right now instead of Biden. Bernie never had a chance really.
  6. Fuck. That is a critical endorsement. Election flipped now.
  7. I apply labels? Hmm. More accurately I attack labels. This is your statement " You might ruin my street cred as a dogmatic libertarian boogeyman" Regardless, I agree that the 2 party system sucks. But right now, it is what it is. And your actions, or inactions, result in us getting the worst of our 2 choices. And if you actually want more than 2 choices, you are first going to have to vote for the choice among the current 2 who is willing to open the door to other parties by implementing things like ranked choice voting. Which candidates with a chance of winning an election support ranked choice voting? And this is far more important in local, Senate, and House races. So while you vote for a libertarian and cry while a moderate Dem or nutbar Rep win your district, you could have been voting for someone who supports enfranchisement. Lucky for you, those same candidates also support your ideals on the police state and on the military, if not most other things. And also, your deflection is not entirely true. Like you are deflecting here, you also are a deflection machine when it comes to anyone trying to uncover Trump's illegal activities.
  8. It appears that way, but this is because the GOP, and even moreso the TrumpOP, has gotten impoverished rural voters to vote against their own interests for quite a while, first under the guise of "social conservatism" and now using blame shifting tactics like ethnonationalism, anti-immigration rhetoric, and anti-education rhetoric. People's views on social issues have clearly shifted left which may have necessitated the GOP's move from reliance on those issues to blame-shifting. The reality is that Trump got a lot of white rural voters because he promised to bring back the factory and bring back jobs to their communities. It is impossible for right wing ideals to deliver on that promise. But left wing ideals can actually make it happen. So I guess we have to look at the true reasoning for why a white formerly middle class but struggling blue collar worker voted for Trump. If he voted for him because he truly desired a white nation, then sure, that voter moved right. But if he voted for Trump because he believed Trump's promise to bring back prosperity to his community, then its possible that voter actually moved left in his vote for Trump.
  9. Of course he is a hack. He feigned support for Bernie, 78. Now he supports Trump, 74, because Biden is too old, 77.
  10. I honestly don't really care about your faux libertarian leanings. I'm just pointing out that you are normally progressive when you espouse a policy position. The left wing of the Dem party will absolutely change it. But in order for us to "see it", they need to take control of the party when the party has a majority. There is still a ways to go for that, but while you are fence sitting between Biden and Trump, perhaps you should be voting for Bernie-ists instead. Then we can "see it." Instead, I imagine you're voting for GOP anti-gov't types when you vote for your representatives. I guess you still don't get why people attack you. It isn't because you're a libertarian "bogeyman." If you were a principled libertarian, people would respect that position. Its because you're a fence sitter who asserts the false equivalence that "both sides" are the same. Many people find Switzerland's position in WW2 to be despicable as well. If you are neutral to evil, then you are evil as well.
  11. Your proposal is good. It is something that Dems would support. Republicans will not, however. Lost in the "patriot" and military support rhetoric is that Republicans don't give a shit about people. Troops are the factory floor workers to them. Easily replaceable cheap labor. They raise the military budget so the money can go into the hands of C level people at defense contractors. Its trickle down with a government twist. The fact that they throw supposed blank checks at the military while gutting the VA should tell you all you need to know. While you claim to be libertarian, when you actually propose policy changes, your suggested changes usually lean progressive. Meanwhile, you are a Trump enabler as an alleged fence sitter. If you are truly anti-police state, and wish to scale back our military footprint while supporting veterans you should be voting on the left side of Dems. Perhaps there is a simple explanation for your seeming disconnect. Your industry is first in line for progressive reform and you don't want that to happen even if you support progressive reform elsewhere. You are a smart guy though. I think you would figure out how to carry on largely uninterrupted by medicare for all.
  12. It has gotten more legs because of people like Joe Rogan who spread a milder version of q anon nonsense.
  13. He bought a dictator that was a chicken?
  14. Something else will drop. Maybe 15 or 20 something elses even. Y'all are talking about Trump over a week's time. Trump figured out that if you bury bad press under more bad press eventually none of it matters. It is simple math really. Add one negative story to another and you still have a negative. Multiply negative stories and you get a positive.
  15. I have still never once been polled and I have voted almost every time I have had the opportunity since 1994. I still think polls have a built in bias. It used to require a landline. Now it requires you to pick up a cell phone call from an unknown caller, I guess. I do get 100s of annoying texts from candidates. I figure that would get me on a polling list at some point.
  16. Spoiler alert that shit. My 5 year old daughter just read this. Asshole.
  17. Yep. This image from early on in the modern ethnonationalist movement is still just as true as ever.
  18. For sure, he is also a sociopath and incapable of empathy. I don't imagine he had any feelings at all when his brother passed. I think he would be completely blank even if one of his kids passed. That coupled with his upbringing made him the person he is today. Most sheltered rich kids, like anyone else, feel guilt or feel bad when they do bad things.
  19. He always struck me as a sheltered rich kid who grew into a sheltered rich adult. The type that would fuck with the lives of others less fortunate than themselves just for their own amusement. Like the Duke brothers in Trading Places. But I do think Junior is worse. I could see him paying homeless people to fight and shit like that.
  20. The fairness doctrine worked very well during its existence. Pretty much all the excessive polarization that we see now was due to its revocation.
  21. Reinstate the fairness doctrine to get Fox News and right wing talk radio under control. Put pressure on facebook and twitter to police fake news and conspiracy theory. Eventually most of them will ease back off the ledge. There will still be conspiracy forums on other sites, but 90% of Trumpkins don't get it from there, and have no interest in even finding those sites. They get it from Facebook and Fox. We just need to shut off the spigot.
  22. You're assuming that Trump doesn't have some slaves stashed in the basement of his St. Martin place?
  23. He was probably hired or elected specifically for that bias. He just said the quiet part out loud.
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