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Everything posted by FondrenRoad

  1. He really isn't all that great for rich white assholes either unless you happen to be a rich white asshole that knows him personally or is willing to fellate him publicly.
  2. Is today the day? I thought we had to elect Trump again first before we hear his awesome plan.
  3. But Pancho, there was an "uncontrollable dog" there!!! Think of postal worker safety!! There are no dogs in Orange County which is why postal workers are still safe going door to door to deliver mail there.
  4. He's not getting a taste of all the T shirts, trinkets, and other shit that gets sold with his likeness on it. He also isn't getting a taste of that Trump Burger money. Right now, he benefits politically, and probably economically, from letting others use his brand and turning a blind eye to it. I know he'll try to reel that shit in next year, but hopefully it will be too late.
  5. Yep. This has been ongoing ever since the Republican Party decided that it wasn't going to concern itself with working across the aisle or actual governance anymore. Can't say we weren't told this would happen though.
  6. This is actually a way in which he has changed since being elected. He allows others to use his likeness and trademarks for their own economic gain because it helps him politically. The old Trump would have sued a place like this out of existence. I wonder what Trump 2021 will do. It would be awesome if he somehow loses control over his "brand" because he has been allowing others to openly use it for 4 years.
  7. To be fair, he actually admitted his mistake. If Trump had made that mistake, he would have ordered the Archives to forge Madison's signature on it.
  8. Interesting, so you can't think of a single state among the contiguous states that existed in any form until being settled and adopted by the United States? Not a single one? On this message board.
  9. Well, let's see, you have Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico next to you. Nobody wants to be saddled with that baggage. Texas is going to have to go it alone.
  10. Well, she was wearing a Soviet military uniform.
  11. LA is red but has a Dem governor. Are they SOL or spicy?
  12. They are waiting for the LA and TX governors to publicly beg and thank Trump for providing it. Remember, Trump, not the USA, owns FEMA.
  13. You put too much value in what you see posted on the internet. Nothing on surly is "reality." But not even your surly persona would stay still under another 12 years of Trump and Trumpist rule. Nah. The USA has to stay together forever just because. Doesn't matter how bad our leader is. We will all stay on board. Forever. But maybe secession is the wrong word for what's going to happen. Revolution is more accurate. But the end result will be several different countries. Same thing, different name for it.
  14. Again, who are the United States in this scenario? Where do the leaders and soldiers in this United States military come from? Also, why do you think that other countries are going to stay entirely out of it? Do you believe that the Remaining States military is going to shoot passenger airplanes out of the sky? If they do, do you think this will have no effect on internal security inside the Remaining States, that it will also not bring China, Russia, and Europe into the arena? But yeah, sure, we are gonna get led by Trump, Trump Jr, Gaetz, then several Q anon acolytes for decades. All while they intentionally destroy the things that actually unify us, and generally bleed us dry. Just because the USA has to stay together or something. That's Roman talk. Hell, the only real fight may be over who gets to keep the name USA.
  15. Blockaded by whom? I guess you're assuming the northeast and pacific northwest are gonna stick around if Cali wants out? This board loves Lee. Who did Lee work for before the South seceded? I guess the disconnect here is that many of you believe that the remaining states would be the "USA" if states containing more than half our population, and our nation's capital, seceded. It would be more of a "kick out" scenario. The military would split if it did anything at all about it.
  16. I am saying that Trump isn't Obama. He isn't Bush either. He is the type of ruler that collapses nations. A self interested narcissist who cares nothing about governance. Trump openly acknowledged withholding federal aid due to state voting trends. If CA is on its own to provide covid relief to its residents, then why should CA residents pay federal taxes knowing that they are explicitly excluded from receiving anything back? This isn't a handful of militiamen bitching. If CA put secession to a referendum, it would pass right now. I suppose that isn't just because of Trump, but he has certainly pushed it over the edge. They've been told for quite a while that they aren't real "Americans" in spite of being our nation's most populous state. A union must provide value for it to work. In your opinion, does the USA currently provide value for California residents? It certainly used to. But does it now? And really, does the US provide value to the residents of any states at this point? Its still built around the idea that we need to universally defend ourselves against some strong external power. It needs to be built on internal unity and governance or else it is unneeded and detrimental. Big tech companies would prefer to be stateless. They will likely have access to all markets anyway. They do typically prefer liberal social ideals, so much so that they aggregate in high tax locations even while they likely prefer low or not taxes. Regardless, SV will go with California if it goes, and they'll pillage the dergulated poor states. I guess you think we can be led by q anon and Gaetz as well, and wealthy states will keep on hanging around just because thats what they always did before? Nations more unified than us have failed. At one point, this one will too. The RNC is picking leaders almost designed to insure it happens.
  17. If Trump steals the election? Of course there will be. Hardly anything holds this nation together anymore anyway. Perhaps you haven't noticed, but we hate each other. And fucking Rush Limbaugh has a medal of freedom. Do you want to live in a nation that awards medals to guys like that? And economically, why would CA keep paying taxes to the fed without any return? You think that is sustainable? You do know why they threw the tea into the sea, right? For exactly that reason.
  18. Do you work for a company that posts your previous posts verbatim?
  19. Will our new Trump currency be convertible to the Canadian dollar?
  20. They aren't gonna have us. Need to do that type of thing while your passport has value, and not when you are fleeing a failed state with 100s of 1000s of other refugees at the same time. Glad I have the ability to live in Europe if I need to.
  21. This, but also states, starting with California, will test the secession waters. The states that provide nearly all federal tax revenue have been told to fuck off when it comes to federal aid just because they vote blue. Well, they are going to actually fuck off. So yeah, Civil War 2. Maybe. If the west coast, east coast, and several other states secede, who is going to stop them? Who even controls the US military at that point? The rank and file arent going to start shelling their home cities. And also Esper is from PA. Norquist from MA. Milley from MA. McConville from MA. Gilday from MA. Brown from TX but he is African American so probably not a Trump stater. Berger from DE. Think these guys are gonna shell Boston? I guess they can be swapped out for several Cletii, but most military leadership is going to go with the seceding states if the shit hits the fan.
  22. He has made a deal with the my pillow guy to put oleandrin and hcq in the water supply nationwide. And true patriot Bannon is getting a pardon. And he has never met his sister. Doesn't know her at all. And he shot an 18 yesterday in his first of 3 rounds of golf.
  23. The same people also pay for private jets for televangelists. A fool and his money are soon parted.
  24. Now we are getting to the "we were going to comply, but yesterday the dog ate the tax returns " part of the defense.
  25. The potential exists for Trump to fuck up the wording. Especially if he starts pardoning crimes that haven't been charged yet. Thus far, all his pardons have been specific. If, for example, Trump pardons "the my pillow guy for all crimes he may or may not have committed up to this date" is that sufficient? Also, Trump's conspiracies often seem pretty broad. The potential to forget a co-conspirator would be pretty high. Plus a pardon of a previously below radar conspirator would put that conspirator on the radar. Can pardons be issued for the crime itself or are they only issued for the individuals who committed those crimes? For example, would "I pardon all individuals associated with any crimes that may have occurred in acquiring the property at 123 Putin St in Moscow Russia" be a valid pardon? Going back to the Nixon broad pardon, was that ever challenged?
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