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Everything posted by FondrenRoad

  1. Whitley is starting to seem like fool's gold. Lately it seems like players either jump quickly to the show or don't pan out all that well.
  2. No doubt, but they have better governance.
  3. Not to mention, Victoria Australia is going into full lockdown for 671 new cases in a day. 11,500 total infections and 123 total deaths. Population 6.3 million. Yesterday, Greater Houston had 9,539 new cases. 116,000 total cases. 1,250 total deaths. Population 6.9 million. Houston still not in lockdown. These outbreaks and responses are exactly the same!
  4. Only have to finish 2nd in a crap division. Home field advantage doesn't mean much this year.
  5. Let me know when police go to the moon.
  6. No shit. Its the beginning of the season, albeit a short one. We have played like crap, we have a high school pitching staff, and we would still be in the playoffs if they started today. Need to get some arms healthy, get our streak hitters hot, and we may come together at exactly the right time. Also, I have liked what I have seen from a few of our young pitchers like Sneed and Paredes even though they have made some mistakes. Glad they are getting some action.
  7. Probably. He is definitely a germaphobe. With his penchant for conspiracy, I am surprised he isn't into young blood transfusions and craziness like that. He eats like dogshit though which is surprising given his other health quirks.
  8. Rumor has it, Arafat buys his there.
  9. It is hard for me to think of a worse idea than a private security force with arrest and police powers. Also, I disagree that any of the other things you mentioned have been handled better by the private sector. ISPs, utilities, and air travel are shitshows in the private sector too. And NASA was a national bedrock before its budget was gutted again and again. A truly unifying presence that actually brought Americans together. Its great that we get to watch private companies learn to crawl here in the 2020s, but we already knew how to fly and we shit a lot of that away under the false idea that private is always better. The USPS is a bedrock too although in a different way. No private company is lining up to offer single rate postage to every US address, no matter how remote. Ironically, its the "patriot nationalists" that are destroying our truly national institutions that all Americans used to take pride in. Nothing unifies more than FedEx and SpaceX. Fly their flags with pride.
  10. So you put your hands on a hardbody?
  11. All are tough. You generally want to avoid negative descriptors and stick with neutral or positive descriptors. You wouldn't say she was the ugly one or the one with all the acne. If her twin is there and the only difference between them is that one is heavyset. Stocky is better. Maybe say a little bit bigger or slightly overweight. Or just say she was dumpy and ugly as homemade sin.
  12. It was heavyset. Never call someone heavyset. There is nothing wrong with using race as an identifier in cases like that. Or weight if you use it more tactfully.
  13. That's just an unnecessarily complicated way of doing a straight popular vote. It wouldn't be a popular vote. It would just be closer to one. It would still be weighted towards rural states because every state gets 2 electors for their 2 senators.
  14. What about all the voters that are mad because someone called them a racist on the internet because they said something racist? They tell you they aren't racist, but just because you called them a racist, they are going to vote for a racist instead of your guy. I know zero of those guys voted for Hillary last time and voted Trump already. But maybe 4 or 5 of them actually voted for Gary Johnson, but will vote Trump this time.
  15. I wouldn't take much stock in how social media appears. This board is built on Texas football fanship. At least it was 10 years ago back when Texas used to field college level football teams. It skews heavily toward male and white demographics. The city-data forum for NYC is practically Texags. The Facebook groups for my neighborhood in NYC may actually be worse than Texags and my neighborhood votes almost 90% Dem.
  16. I get it. We need to keep antiquated systems forever because people have guaranteed jobs doing old timey things. But those guaranteed jobs don't have to be exactly what they are doing. They can sit in the replay booth and get paid instead, and fewer replacements can be hired as current umps retire. Same thing the NYC MTA needs to do in order to have modern driverless trains that run on time. Umpire union should be way easier to break than the MTA union.
  17. I'm always shocked that guys are controlled enough to not take the bat to the mound.
  18. Actually, it doesn't. States can apportion their electors however they want. Effectively though, you're right. Only blue states would agree to that. The popular vote compact has a better chance at occurring than Alabama choosing to divided up its electors.
  19. The league has issued new rules on sign stealing. We will see if they are broken and/or enforced. To be fair, I don't think that Kelly gives a shit about sign stealing. He just wanted an excuse. He is the type of guy that walks into a bar and starts talking shit to a random stranger. I think bat flips and other celebrations should be allowed. Running across the mound shouldn't be allowed as its just stupid instigation for no reason. I also support touchdown dances in the NFL, FWIW. If you don't want to see a celebration, then stop the other team from scoring. No matter what, intentionally throwing at a batter's head should never be acceptable.
  20. The MLB is taking action against sign stealing. Or trying to at least. Justice doesn't and shouldn't ever reside with the pitcher. Its pointless escalation that can ultimately lead to additional justice being handed out with a bat or by even worse means. Throwing a 90 mph fastball at someone's head intentionally is an attack with a deadly weapon. Bobby Fischer doesn't jam a rook in someone's eye because they tried to cheat him at chess. Had Kelly's headshot on Correa connected, would you also be okay with Correa's family seeking street justice against Kelly? Because that is the next step really.
  21. Well, from an economic standpoint, W and Trump's presidencies were about allowing the wealthy to capture gains from economic recoveries while leaving poor people and increasingly the middle class to hold the bag. A move that is designed to collapse the economy under the guise of low tax bullshit supply side economics. Only so a new Dem President can come in afterward and fix it, and another GOP President can come back in and siphon off even more wealth to the already wealthy, and repeat the cycle.
  22. And he did. He signed his United Healthcare policy renewal. Its pretty comprehensive. One could call it a complete health care plan. He didn't mean he was going to sign a complete healthcare plan for the American people.
  23. I posted about him one time regarding a post he made last night. Why don't you get the fuck off my ankle? Whatever the fuck that term means.
  24. Yes, we have, and I know the President is elected by the States. As is the Senate majority leader. I'm calling for a Constitutional amendment to change one or the other. It will fix some things. For one, it won't allow for a tyrannical minority. Yes, we are getting dumber. Right now, we allow the dumbest 35% of us to rule everything. I think we should have waited until we got to 51% dumb before we handed the keys over to a dumb President. There will always be problems, but none are bigger than the one we currently have where we allow the minority party to control all power as well as all potential checks and balances. Perhaps you believe that having oppressive minority rule is a "check" on the majority rather than oppression. The Senate protects the minority from the majority. The majority leader of the Senate works directly for the head of his party. When the head of his party is President, the majority leader will not disobey. This is why having a majority President and a minority Senate is the ideal governing position. The Senate can check the power of the majority in that way without oppressing the majority. A potential tyrannical majority should be checked with the understanding that a supermajority is near impossible to check. A tyrannical minority should never be permitted to govern under any circumstances in a republic. They have a name for republics with tyrannical minority governance. Banana Republics.
  25. Again, I don't care why he came back on here. He did and he posted that last night, not 3 and a half years ago. I agree that people are entitled to their political view. However, they aren't entitled to quell any retort to their political view. Simple as that.
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