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Everything posted by FondrenRoad

  1. The police have giant 2 headed robots now. They are really stepping up their tactical game.
  2. It isn't contradictory. Its an understanding that a complicit Senate will almost never check a President that shares its party, so the minority party should never control both. That the GOP Senate rarely checked Obama was an outlier, but it was politically expedient at the time. They will check Biden for sure. Right now, the Senate is doing its job, and that's the problem. Its led by McConnell. Trump is McConnell's party leader. McConnell will obey because he is a party employee. Which brings up another large, but separate, issue. Almost none of the people in Congress are there to represent their actual constituents. There is no folly at all in removing the EC. We elect 2 offices nationally. They should represent the will of the people. Right now, they don't, and this is pretty much the entire reason we are on the brink of collapse. We may have been in 2000 as well, but W was an earnest caretaker and 911 unified us. To be fair though, almost any individual other than Trump would have been able to unify us during a pandemic. Had he been President during 911, Civil War 2.0 would have absolutely occurred then. The only other alternative would be to keep the EC, and flip the powers of the House and Senate. Otherwise, we can just end this experiment now. My state would be better off with a group of states in its nearby region. Texas would be better off by itself. The South can finally have the evangelical Christian state it desires.
  3. I didn't @ him. I don't care why he came back, but he did. And he reiterated 14 hours ago that he thought Obama was a POS President. He could have responded to Michael Knight's @ by refining that position in light of Trump's 3 year reign of bullshit, but he didn't. Had he not posted recently, I wouldn't have thought of him at all. I won't apologize for using a poster's current statement in a post. I also indicted America for it. It is America's fault that Armybrat thinks that. And while I don't know RPM's political views, I've seen that tactic multiple times from Trumpists. Chip away at a message and pretend the chip destroys the entire message.
  4. Joe Kelly is a bitch. He probably doesn't even care about the sign stealing. He just wants to start shit. Any reason is good enough. Bellinger is pissy and wants to blame someone else for his terrible playoff performances. Dodger fans are pissy because they are Dodger fans and they're always that way. Ranger fans are pissy because they didn't win in their window. There really isn't any absolute anger that I've seen. Even with Jomboy being a Yankee fan and posting nonsense, I've worn my 2017 WS champs shirt around Yankee fans plenty of times without even getting a dirty look. A joke or two, on occasion, but never a dirty look or angry comment.
  5. Why don't you go post in DT, snowflake? It might suit you better. And true, Armybrat wasn't trolling. He really thinks Obama was a POS President. That is why he was being called out. Had he been trolling, then it can just be ignored. No Gestapo in CloakRoomo!
  6. We won't fix those things because they aren't really a problem with the Presidency. They are a problem with the Senate. The Senate needs to check Presidential power. They didn't do this with Obama in spite of bitching about him. Mostly because they wanted to be the party of "no" but still wanted the things that Obama was doing by EO even as they pretended they didn't. They certainly have no interest in checking Trump's power. The fix is to eliminate the Electoral College. Then you can have a minority Senate that checks Presidential power properly, or when you have an overwhelming majority, you can have the majority control both and push through legislation that a supermajority desires. The minority should never control both, and should never be able to push through legislation completely antithetical to majority desires. By design, they are supposed to check the majority, not oppress it. Our founding fathers would see this and would amend the Constitution immediately to fix it. These types of things are also the very reason that the founding fathers gave us a way to amend the Constitution. The fact that modern strict constructionists believe amendments are an affront shows that they are just as full of shit as the rest of whatever is left of "conservative" thought these days.
  7. Yeah. Seems the perfect time to do it. Put the home plate ump in front of a replay camera. Let him review called balls strikes when there is a dispute. That way we can see the tech in action during this short season and the ump can also social distance from the catcher. Instead, we are trying out this stupid man on 2nd extra innings rule. At least I hope it is just getting tried out and not permanent.
  8. What if they all have watermarked serial numbers 1/1001, 2/1001, etc, and the opening disclaimer to each states "Epstein recorded every single instance of underage rape. If there is no video, then it didn't happen."
  9. Truth. While Obama was President, I found him to be average. Reviewing his Presidency in hindsight, he might have been one of the better Presidents of all time given the bullshit he needed to navigate. He repaired the economy and he moved us forward socially. And he did it with a vitriolic opposition party that marinated itself in hatred, bigotry, and conspiracy theory. America has been weighed, it has been measured, and it has been found wanting. The fact that people like Armybrat think Obama was a POS as President is an indictment of America, not of Obama,. Trump is the embodiment of a cancer that has ravaged America for quite some time. That we decided to elect the cancer to be representative of our entire body is truly damning.
  10. And this, once one domino falls, they take all the other dominoes down with them.
  11. Trump was almost certainly involved in this shit. However, even if he wasn't, he's a sociopath. He doesn't give a shit about his own daughters. He doesn't give a shit about other people's daughters. He gives a shit about the people named already because they are power brokers and he loves power. But he doesn't give a shit about them otherwise. He doesn't even know how to care.
  12. Trump was right not to attend. He was in a damned if you do, damned if you don't position. But that position was of his own making, and he should be condemned for being such a shithead that avoiding the funeral of a statesman became the right thing to do. I wonder if he will attend Cain's. While Cain drank the Trump koolaid, I would bet that his family doesn't view Trump so kindly.
  13. So far the only saving grace is that the military wouldn't side with Trump. A dictator without military support isn't dictator for long.
  14. I know you say that. But you've also been typing other words here. You seem to need the scandal to be bigger than it actually is. Its a league wide scandal. You want it to be an Astros only scandal. FWIW, I also consider all the steroids era titles legit, and I'd put Bonds in the HOF as well. If the game is corrupt, then you're still the best at playing a corrupt game. And your team, which I assume is the Rangers, did try to push the envelope. They hired Woodward from the Dodgers, in part, because of his expertise in sign stealing. They just didn't have the talent for it to make a difference. Talent is still required, you know. https://www.dallasnews.com/sports/rangers/2019/04/23/rangers-are-quickly-earning-a-reputation-as-adept-sign-stealers-and-chris-woodward-doesn-t-mind/
  15. If it helps you sleep at night, keep telling yourself that. You seem to need it. Hold it close. Cuddle with it. Suckle it. That doesn't make it true, however.
  16. Of course the league wants people to shut up. The league does better when offensive numbers are up. That's why they stayed quiet during the early steroid era, and why they stayed quiet during the early digital sign stealing era. They never want to go back to the era when the league averaged less than 1 HR per game.
  17. To be fair, an AI would have correctly assumed that Correa was safe at 2nd in the 11th, and would have calculated what to do with a bases loaded 1 out situation. Perhaps that is why the AI told Springer to strike out rather than to risk hitting into a double play.
  18. Even in baseball, its 2nd at best. And maybe not even 2nd. You are attempting to view the Astros behavior in a vacuum, but cheating is actually relative. If all the good teams were cheating at the same time, but the Astros went perhaps a single step further than the rest, then the "scandal" is not all that big. So far, that seems to be the case. Steroids is by far the biggest cheating scandal. Bonds, perhaps the greatest baseball player ever, won't make the hall of fame because of it. Verlander will make it. Altuve will make it if his numbers hold up over time. Same with Bregman or Springer. Back to the CFB comparison. In 2004, USC beat regular cheater Oklahoma in the championship game. Oklahoma gets caught cheating on a regular basis and was probably even cheating that year. USC got caught and had to vacate that title. Now, in a vacuum, what USC did was very bad. But they weren't playing in a vacuum. They cheated a little bit more among a field of cheaters. Just like the Astros. Now, one can say that the cheating needs to be cleaned up league wide just like it was for steroids. But one can't pretend that only the Astros were cheating because that isn't true. We could say the same about CFB but it will never happen there.
  19. I agree. Cheating also doesn't stop fans of SEC schools from celebrating wins. College fans don't even care when titles actually get vacated. The games can't be replayed.
  20. Let the anger consume you. Astros will be the 2017 World Series champs forever. Let it sink in. You can cry it out every now and then and graffiti the 2017 WS wiki page if you want. It won't change that fact. As an aside, I was looking forward to seeing how Brady does on another team. Sucks that it isn't going to happen.
  21. Lol. Right. No cheating scandals. The Pats have no track record at all pre-Brady/Belichick. And they have been caught cheating multiple times with Brady/Belichick. Congress even looked into Spygate. The Pats are practically the only team in the NFL to even have cheating scandals, and not surprisingly, they also went on their historic run at the same time. Brady knew all the defensive calls. Hopefully, the Dodgers don't luck up and win this year or next. Personally, I will never see an asterisk on the Astros World Series victory, so I really don't care what grumbling opposing fans think about it. I wish we had won another one last year, of course, but I'm still happy we finally won one. It is icing on the cake that Dodger fans are all bitter. Having the Dodgers go through their whole current run with zero titles would be the cherry on top.
  22. That's because the analytics say to never bunt.
  23. Yeah, I know. The Patriots did so much worse, and in an environment where other teams weren't really cheating. Glad you agree.
  24. Incorrect. Even if you start with the mindset that the Astros were the only ones cheating and everyone else was as pure as the driven snow, the Patriots remain the GOAT cheaters. They cheated worse than the Astros and they cheated better than the Astros. Everyone playing the Astros at least got to throw and hit a regulation MLB standard baseball. The Pats fucked with the ball. They videotaped other team practices. They won multiple titles by cheating.
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