It isn't contradictory. Its an understanding that a complicit Senate will almost never check a President that shares its party, so the minority party should never control both. That the GOP Senate rarely checked Obama was an outlier, but it was politically expedient at the time. They will check Biden for sure.
Right now, the Senate is doing its job, and that's the problem. Its led by McConnell. Trump is McConnell's party leader. McConnell will obey because he is a party employee. Which brings up another large, but separate, issue. Almost none of the people in Congress are there to represent their actual constituents.
There is no folly at all in removing the EC. We elect 2 offices nationally. They should represent the will of the people. Right now, they don't, and this is pretty much the entire reason we are on the brink of collapse. We may have been in 2000 as well, but W was an earnest caretaker and 911 unified us. To be fair though, almost any individual other than Trump would have been able to unify us during a pandemic. Had he been President during 911, Civil War 2.0 would have absolutely occurred then.
The only other alternative would be to keep the EC, and flip the powers of the House and Senate. Otherwise, we can just end this experiment now. My state would be better off with a group of states in its nearby region. Texas would be better off by itself. The South can finally have the evangelical Christian state it desires.