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Everything posted by FondrenRoad

  1. Yeah, there aren't great choices for unaccompanied minors. Comfortable accommodations without restrictions on socialization are about as good as we can do. The goal should be to find their parents or guardians if they are present in the USA which was the exact opposite of what Trump was doing. Intentionally separating families is pure cruelty. So one could argue that these accommodations are adequate even if they aren't the Ritz Carlton. The only real alternative would be introducing them to our clusterfuck of a foster system, but I feel like that solution would be worse.
  2. I actually don't think he's smart enough to do that. He offered him a ride as one wanna be authoritarian to an actual authofitarian. True. So maybe KJU should have taken that gamble. Air Force One may land in Pyongyang, but it ain't gonna take off again.
  3. The real problem with windmills is windmill cancer.
  4. No shit. Even Trump would have redirected that flight straight to gitmo.
  5. Thomas is worthless. Is he the worst justice in history? Not worst as in asshole. There are certainly bigger asshole judges from the pre civil war and also pre civil rights eras. But he may very well be the worst ever at being an actual judge.
  6. To be fair, he called them by their correct name, Texas A&M Aggies. He didn't leave off the A&M. That means he isn't full aggy. I mean, he still sucks, but not for that reason.
  7. You've posted a lot of posts like this. Look, I'm glad you're coming around, but we are gonna have to get down to brass tacks. My rep helps you, you say you like her but disagree with her politics. Ok, what do you disagree with? You elected Cruz. He certainly didn't lift a fucking finger when Sandy hit my/AOC's district. In fact, he filibustered the Sandy relief bill. He did this with your approval. You voted for him again in 2018. The fact that AOC is helping your state should wake you up. But apparently it still isn't. I already hate the next guy you are gonna vote for more than Cruz because he is still going to try to fuck people in need during a natural disaster. I really don't give a fuck what his name ends up being. He will be Cruz 2.0. And since I can't control your shittiness, I'm probably gonna need to support someone less idealistic than AOC in her next primary. Someone that still wants to help people, but wants to keep it in blue states only. Your politicians have punished us. We simply can't keep turning the other cheek. I want Biden to kill all red state infrastructure projects just as Trump did to blue states as well. But only until red state voters start giving a shit about America again. Then we will happily bail you out like we always have.
  8. Whatever they charge, they will be underselling themselves. Republicans will pay them any amount without limit. They gave them access to the treasury pretty much unchecked for the last four years and tried to give them the whole country only a month ago.
  9. Pay Abbott enough and they can bury it under the West Mall. For a few bucks more, they dont even need to bury it.
  10. She absolutely cares. Her whole political career thus far proves that. Rubbing Ted's face in it is just gravy. And even though she probably enjoys dunking on Ted, its secondary. When UT used to have a college football team and we beat OU, I was all about the UT win primarily, but I would still talk shit to Okies about it. OU sucking was a secondary benefit. At least, back when events like that used to happen.
  11. We are one more Trump type term away from not only losing the trust of our allies, but also having them worry about us being openly adversarial. So they will also start coming up with containment plans for us. And that could result in a shaky alliance between the EU and China, as well as increased militarization in both. And make no mistake, if we end up getting into it with the EU, we are going to be the bad guys. China will help the EU just to speed up the power shift.
  12. It for sure includes military. And since we spend a hefty chunk of our 35 on the military, Japan doesn't have to. Neither does Europe. So they use their 37 to 50% providing things for their people. So while we get to die on the street after leaving our heirs with 100k hospital bills, our tax money goes to subsidize universal healthcare in pretty much the entire industrialized world except here. Plus phenomenal infrastructure. You should see some of the transit systems we have indirectly funded. And world class bridges and roadways. So while I drive around on roads in NYC that are like the surface of the moon, I dont recall seeing a single pothole in Tokyo. And only a handful in western Europe.
  13. Nope. They're right. Trump made us welchers. Our word is worth shit now. Not just with Europe. With Iran too. They're making nukes because we welched. China is more aggressive in Asia because we abandoned our allies there too. And W ain't gonna be the next R president to walk through the door. It will be someone like Gaetz. Our continuity is completely toast. Even if we manage 3 or 4 D terms in a row (which won't happen), we won't be trusted again until we have another R President that honors our established agreements. And I dont see any possible R candidates that will do that. No Rs are American. They believe every administration is an entirely different country.
  14. You're right about donkey to an extent, but you're also missing a big thing. He did know who Ted was. But before this week, he thought Ted's bullshit would only affect poor people or minorities or women. Now, whether donkey actively wanted others to be fucked over or just didn't give a shit is largely irrelevant. He's an asshole either way. But what you are missing is that, never in a million years did donkey imagine that he would end up getting fucked. But he did. Think of it with a different set of facts. Donkey, at best, probably doesn't care if cops shoot innocent black people. But now that innocent white people are getting shot, something needs to be done. So he may very well vote against Cruz in the primary next time. However, that doesn't make him any less of an asshole. Like any Republican, donkey only cares about himself, and that self finally took a hit. But he isn't gonna vote for anyone that really wants to help all people in general because he doesn't want to help all people. He wants to help himself. So he will vote for another liar in the republican primary and then, maybe, abstain from voting in the general election. But I do believe he is done with Ted. Not even a GOP politician can directly fuck over his donors.
  15. What did they do with the Godzilla egg when they closed?
  16. And yet he is also a man who not only let Trump insult his wife, but also crawled under the desk at the oval office, pulled down Trump's Depends and took the full length.
  17. The fact that nobody at the IRS with access has ever leaked his tax returns kind of puts the whole evil deep state argument to bed. Hell, maybe he never filed them at all and that's the problem. Nothing to leak.
  18. And he should be your Republican candidate for Senator. He gives a shit. That makes him better than the rest.
  19. But he works in operations. Which I guess brings up another question. Why is it not all hands on deck right now? Im sure some people are employed to maintain a defensive posture on social media, but I don't think he is one of them.
  20. Yes, we do expect the government to be more competent than the average individual. And if you have been voting for people who desire broken government (like all Republicans), then you are getting what you voted for. Its really quite simple. You wouldn't hire a PETA member to run a slaughterhouse. Quit hiring anti-government people to run government.
  21. I dont see a problem. Just the market doing its work. I hope that Denton and others tell ercot to pound sand. If part of the bailout is the federal government paying off these bills or shoring up municipal budgets, I may attack the capitol myself if it doesn't also include municipal bailouts for covid budget shortfalls.
  22. Whitley has to be close to breaking some records for how long someone is ranked as a top prospect.
  23. And yet, as your last paragraph asserts, a Goebbels needs a Limbaugh in order to exist. The guy that intentionally opens the door for the killer is often worse than the killer. In Limbaugh's case, I guess he wasn't as bad as Goebbels but he wanted to create an environment where a Goebbels can arrive and do the dirty work. So it isnt exactly a bad comparison. Modern conservatism is all about radicalizing people to kill gays, or black people, or attack the capitol. The fact that Rush was afraid of getting his own hands dirty doesn't make him a better person than a listener that gay bashed someone after listening to one of his broadcasts. Bin Laden never killed anyone. But he is worse than Mohammed Atta because he made Atta. Rush made a lot of terrorists.
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