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Everything posted by kegman

  1. 89 - I like prime numbers
  2. I want y'all to know the special hell I have been living in - I have not been able to watch the other games of the tournament and have just been following the scores on the internet. Now I am convinced it is good luck and even though I can watch the games I don't want to fuck with a streak. Thank God for Alcohol and Surly. I don't know if I am a Hero or a Saint, but Hook'em.
  3. Jameson mainly but a few Coors Lights to keep me hydrated.
  4. My brother and I are planning a public lands pronghorn hunt in Wyoming this fall. I thought I would check the hive mind to see if any of y'all have any pointers. We are not looking for trophies but to add a little variety to the freezer. I am thinking that we will camp near the truck and day hike. If we are lucky, we will bring home the meat and process it ourselves. We have three years of preference points. We are looking at driving with a stopover in Colorado.
  5. Hey lay off Aimee. I have had multiple clients who spelled their name that way; but then again, I am a criminal defense attorney.
  6. If I remember correctly, he was interested in Baseball as a high school recruit. I assume with the injuries that he is now football only, but does anyone know if he plans to play baseball?
  7. I actually had a not guilty in a case with those facts. Stepmom was beating the shit out of the daughter and dad stepped in to stop it. Dad got arrested. Jury took about five minutes to find him not guilty.
  8. You are correct, and I would fire coaches for a whole lot less. I just used felony conviction since that is what he was charged with.
  9. As a Longhorn alum and fan, I have always held Longhorns to a higher standard. If a coach is convicted of a felony, that coach should no longer be our coach. I also believe strongly that the evidence needs to be reviewed before making such a decision. As a Criminal Defense attorney who has handled 100s of family violence cases, I can say that this offense is the most wrongfully arrested crime I see. Once the 911 call is made, someone is getting arrested. Normally everyone involved is drunk and angry including the complaining witness. The first thing some officers say is "If he choked you, we can arrest him a felony." Some people can get mad and drunk enough to think a good way to end an argument is to get the other party arrested. There is often no physical evidence or neutral witnesses on impeding cases. Most are he said she said cases. It also goes both ways as I have also handled cases where there is no doubt what happened, and the person charged is a piece of shit. I do not know the facts in this case and would hesitate to rush to judgment.
  10. Texas 31 Bama 30 Ewers 369
  11. Texas 69 other guys 17 Bijan 238 169 Rushing 69 Receiving
  12. In on page 69
  13. As someone who spent the better part of this morning grubbing mesquite on our ranch, I am very willing to part with this valued commodity to anyone who will remove it.
  14. exactly. Although, I do think it illustrates how cool Gary P is in that he tolerated our fucking up.
  15. In 1999, I was sitting at the bar after hours at Blaine's Pub in San Angelo. Blaine had put on a festival that day, and one of my friends was playing the festival. I had spent most of the day drinking backstage at the festival and rest of the day drinking at Blaine's so I was pretty relaxed. I look to the set next to me and it was none other than Gary P. We got a pretty good conversation going and eventually I asked him about one of my favorite songs London Homesick Blues. I said it sounded like a pretty good story happened over London. He responded with "Actually Kegman there was quite a story. I had just left Jerry Jeff and ......." That was the last thing I remember other than afterwards thinking damn, that was a cool story. Pissed that I had forgotten the story, I got my buddy to ask about it the next time he played with Gary. Unfortunately, my friend also forgot the story before he could relay it to me.
  16. 10 wins. I think we will be a lot better, and the Big 12 will be down. Of course, I may be insane as I think there is chance that we beat Bama. I am not basing this chance on anything except aggy misery. The Football Gods have always punished aggy whenever they get too high. They have enjoyed last year's win against Bama way too much, and we all know where that rollercoaster ends. A win over Bama by us would bring the world back in balance.
  17. 95- 96 Moore Hill. 4th floor I think, but it has been a long time.
  18. Thank y'all for this thread. This and Scotch is the only thing keeping me sane right now.
  19. That's because one of those guys is dead.
  20. @Wulaw Horn You speak the truth. We all need beer now, America!
  21. That answers one question. Mangino is the new coach.
  22. Couldn't figure out why I found myself pulling for Hudson Card in the QB race. I just realized it is because I never want to hear another interview by FCB with Charles Thompson on the Flagship.
  23. Shit is about to change. That's right -I just switched to Mezcal.
  24. Rather be a rich kid than have a girl’s name.
  25. I hate Cuban more and more every year. His novelty has long worn off. I liked Donnie, but it has been a long decade. Rick is a great coach, but he can be stubborn and seems like he just wants to coach his players. I think the rooster moves may be limited, and maybe the best chance is just new leadership. If Avery can get us to the finals in year one, maybe a decent hire gives us a chance.
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