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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by billy_bats

  1. This may have been posted elsewhere, but I thought this was a pretty good read on Herman's offense by one of the LSU shillers: https://www.andthevalleyshook.com/2019/7/16/20692258/2019-lsu-football-scouting-texas-longhorns-football-tom-herman-sam-ehlinger
  2. 247 has one - not sure how up to date it is, but I've seen new players show up in theirs since yesterday. https://247sports.com/Season/2019-Football/TransferPortal/
  3. Whew, must have touched a nerve or something. Settle down Sydney.
  4. What I'm saying is that everyone, including your fucking mother, knows that ASU is on the decline and Herm, with little to no support from anyone other than the AD who hired him, won't last long. It's not like the guy has a history of being a winning coach or anything. You know, if logic deduction is tough for you, maybe try reading something other than comic books.
  5. ASU is a dumpster fire right now. The alumni out here would love nothing better than for Herm to fuck off. They weren't excited about him when he was hired and I don't think their 7-5 season has anyone feeling optimistic about the future.
  6. Might be televised locally here in the desert, but I can't see those games getting much national attention. I could be wrong of course, but I can't find anything about it.
  7. So I'm just catching up a bit here, but I wanted to call this out as one of the finer 'yo momma' moments here. I read it, rambling style, as if trying to construct the joke as I went along, and it was brilliant. Bravo sir.
  8. "I saw the ball and the path, and I was like, 'Cool, it's in.'" -Dicker the Kicker
  9. Caught Liebrock’s game last night against Perry and he had more than a few nice catches, mostly lined up outside. When he was used inline, he seemed an adequate and willing blocker. He’ll need a redshirt year to put on some weight, but he’s going to make one hell of a TE.
  10. Well, that didn't take long did it?
  11. So is a fucking blow torch. I moved out here to the "dry heat" 10 years ago and I'd exchange it any day for high 90's and some humidity.
  12. FWIW 247 and his HUDL page list him at 6'5"
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