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Everything posted by salonghorn

  1. Would Hansen be available or would they save him for tomorrow, if needed? I am assuming that Gordon is not available at all.
  2. Well. they lost one in that 10 year span. 27-25
  3. It would just be the fair thing to do to have the next game in Austin since the last one was in college station. If the last game had been in Austin then I would support the next game to be in College Station. It would just be the fair thing to do. Oh, I forgot. We're dealing with a bunch of sheep rapists who think that dead dogs can still see the scoreboard.
  4. Anyone notice the high temps for this weekend? Friday 92 Saturday 96 Sunday 99 Monday 102
  5. Tex-Mex may not be good for the cardio parts of the body. But it is the golden currency of heaven above. Given to us by God above so that our souls and mental health may be nourished so that happiness may be in our lives forever. Even though our lives may be shorter due to all the enchiladas we eat.
  6. I hope the team is not reading these posts saying it is an easy draw.
  7. You are 100% correct. Must have onions on top to be true San Antonio style. The onions on top should be cooked with the enchiladas.
  8. Number 1 in suckidness
  9. Who starts tomorrow?
  10. Probably most on here don't even know who Warren Spahn was. Growing up, I was a Braves fan. Loved watching him and Lew Burdette.
  11. Sometimes I live and die by each inning.
  12. Is the game being broadcast to their dead mascots?
  13. 11:00 on Monday and ou still sucks
  14. Optional. You can drink it from the bottle or pour it into the toilet and lap it up like a good boy dog.
  15. salonghorn

    Western Novels

    As a kid in HS, I loved zane grey. I haven't read any since HS so I probably should go back and visit them.
  16. Who is pitching game 3
  17. When is Kennedy due back?
  18. What does Carolina pitching look like for today. Has a pitcher for Texas been announced for game 3?
  19. The one on 31st in Temple tex has had off and on problems for some time. Yesterday, there was almost no mustard on my burger. Opened it up and did not see any mustard at all. About 2/3 through there was a very very faint taste of mustard.
  20. I guess you could top it off with sliced jalapenos
  21. I love this stuff. Going to have some tonight
  22. Reading it right now for the first time. Agree that it is soooo good.
  23. A Call For the Dead A Murder of Quality The Spy Who Came In From the Cold The Looking Glass War Tinker, Tailor, Soldier Spy The Honourable Schoolboy Smiley's People The Secret Pilgrim The Legacy of Spies
  24. I am a big fan of spy novels. I read a lot of John Le Carre many years ago. I decided to go back and re-read the George Smiley novels in order. Over the last several months, I read A Murder of Quality and A Call For the Dead. Currently reading what some have called the greatest spy novel ever written, The Spy Who Came In From the Cold.
  25. Scorpion by Andrew Kaplan
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