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Everything posted by Smax

  1. Had the kids send me some of this stuff, its ok... I have this sent out every month, it slams
  2. Op needs to professional mental health help, I've read that multiple personality disorder and schizophrenia are manageable with proper medication and therapy
  3. better then your party suing cities who dont want to prosecute minimal amounts for personal use
  4. I'd pay good money to see that spork footed ditch pig meet a guillotine
  5. Its not the left that is on a race with itself to the bottom
  6. Smax

    Below Deck

    and exposure which if parlayed correct can lead to a lot of money, just like all the other reality stars. That's why these crew members agree to be on this show, to become influencers/reality stars
  7. Smax

    Below Deck

    so they're in their 20's ..
  8. PG&E too big to fail ...
  9. Smax

    Below Deck

    Don't they get a 1500-2000 dollar tip every 4-6 days?
  10. Smax


    So how many civilian hostages does hamas have? Not hearing a lot about them ...
  11. https://mwareanews.com/2024/03/06/glenn-rogers-pens-response-to-election-loss/ Good to see a politician mentioning Yass's name, it should be brought up at every discussion about school vouchers, Greg Abbot is a billionaire Yankee's puppet
  12. Smax


    Yes we call them republicans
  13. down right embarrassing, the two vocal gop congress members shouting down Biden during his SOTU speech now one is caught on camera having her tits fondled and rubbing her dates junk at a public play and the other is telling media members from a foreign country to fuck off on camera.
  14. Smax

    Texas Primaries

    the United States had a good run but its all over now
  15. what about the Beastie boys and jfc dude.... here maybe this will help unravel your panties
  16. Smax

    The Supremes

    This is also when the evangelicals got into the anti abortion business
  17. Smax

    Texas Primaries

    what took you so long, present company excluded but Texans are dumb as fuck
  18. Smax


    hmm interesting I rarely browse edibles as I pretty much know what I like, I'll need to see if my place carries them
  19. Smax


    100 mg is the entire package, usually 10 mg each package of 10 I'm a big fan of Wylde brand, their peach 2 to 1 cbd-thc has been a godsend for my anxiety. I get minimal "buzz" from the thc but its super relaxing to me, best I can explain is that relaxed feeling you get after an hour long massage is how they make me feel. I eat 1 or 2 a day almost every day. The boysenberry thc/cbd/cbn are great if you need help sleeping, their regular sativas/indicas and hybrids are great too
  20. I hear the ladies love him
  21. Just watering my cobra and a few chin scratches too
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