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Everything posted by Smax

  1. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2UuXE5ttot/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  2. Ukraine says HI!
  3. I agree, one the aspects about it was how cheap they were. Spent plenty a weekend afternoon on the back patio at Floyds off Durham, it was like $2 a pound with everything and dollar longnecks. I still love me some crawfish but wouldn't be upset showing up to a boil to find out it was shrimp and crab
  4. This what the third time you've posted you're not watching the show, then why are you here and why do you keep reminding us you stopped after the first episode? Your desperate need for validation is embarrassing
  5. So what does this judge expect the clinics to do with the current stock of embryos in deep freeze? Disposing of them is murder, keep them forever? Who is going to pay for it and isn't that technically illegally detaining someone ?
  6. right... I've never found any of these "acts" even remotely funny
  7. dumb, delete thread ban op
  8. Haven't watched yet but lets say the 300 billion is given to Ukraine, not only would be a slap to Putin and the oligachs but a big middle finger to congress too, so it needs to happen. If some of the oligarchs start to turn, whats to stop Putin from killing one or more of them just like he did Navalny? Heard a Soviet saying today on a podcast about all this, no man no problem, that can go to either side here. But with the murder of both Navalny and Prigozhin fresh on Russian minds, not sure what kind of stomach or balls these oligarchs have
  9. Not really, what else is the world community going to do that they aren't already
  10. I mentioned this in one of the many other threads about this in the past and no one really responded ( maybe that means its dumb IDK) but what about limiting access to ammunition? Ban it outright, yeah good luck, though I think a case could be made for home loaders Limit amounts and keep track a database of some sort Tax the shit out of it, like make the tax five times the cost of the ammo alone
  11. Sounds good as you just put 90% of lawyers out of business
  12. Not only that but it seems to me the studios got greedy, when cord cutting first started to become popular, all anyone needed was 1 or 2 services. At the time that was far less then a tv cable bill ( disclosure, I never dropped my tv cable). Once studios stopped licensing (?) their content to NF and Prime and other competitors popped so some content went here, some went there, oh you want live sports now you have to pay for this. This is probably covered and belongs in the streaming thread idk
  13. Add a fried egg
  14. good, hope "we" dont lose those shows but there are too many streaming services now.
  15. I have a long list of people I'd love to see take that for a test drive
  16. Party before country, guess you missed the memo
  17. Weird take since no one said or implied she was
  18. Go Mustangs!
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