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Everything posted by Smax

  1. He should.. guy has been a mess. Camera pans the astros dugout, all of them look defeated
  2. aint no coming back, this game is over
  3. good run should be going to the series but too many in house obstacles
  4. How can such an experienced team come into these last 2 games so mentally weak
  5. Pull him
  6. maybe, maybe not either way its true and as others have posted this isn't news to those who follow politics. She's a narcissistic cunt who doesn't deserve to be a congress person let alone the mayor of Houston. But she'll probably win and continue the city hall grift
  7. I haven't seen the episode in the op yet but anyone who has been half way paying attention should know the threat they pose. They've stolen top secret information about our reactors, subs and stealth technology. Their Gen 5 fighters basically appeared out of nowhere when most western expects have said it should have taken them 20+ years to develop and all the sudden they have them. I cant even begin to imagine how much corporate theft china has done to the west
  8. see yall tomorrow, hopefully someone in the clubhouse sacrifices a chicken or something because this is some bullshit on their part
  9. Idgaf who it is, just put the damn ball in play
  10. this shitting the bed at home is inexcusable
  11. Nice and love the emotion
  12. They're not going to pull him..
  13. ssshhhh but if you dlve into other schools fans site you'll find fans complaining about refs being against them and not calling holding on their opponents too!
  14. Careful, I made a similar comment prior to the RSS about Sark telling players pregame on the field "have fun out there" was the wrong mentality and got blasted for it
  15. Littles is over priced for ok food
  16. LOL You're a real life Costanza, everything you say or do, the opposite is true or the correct choice. you fucking moron
  17. If I knew the answer to that, I would be in Vegas doing blow off 5 hookers couchies
  18. We will leave once oil is no longer the world's driving force. Go green
  19. Bandwagoner
  20. Lol keep fucking that chicken beer
  21. Oh my, the hypocrisy with this one
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