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Everything posted by Smax

  1. How are these tasting this year?
  2. I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they’d never expect it.
  3. Uhh wtf pressly
  4. Fucking bregs and tucker, just needed to get on base
  5. Chaz just swinging at everything, most of the team looks lost at the plate
  6. All we needed was a bloop...
  7. Why does he spray his hat
  8. Can't believe he swung at that one
  9. Maldy calling a hell of a game so far
  10. Bold claim from someone who joined this site 3 months ago. Banes voice was a but annoying, sure not as good as the first two but damn both of those were epic. Can't imagine having to play the next villain after Ledger
  11. 100%
  12. Smax


    Yeahhhhh if only it was that simple
  13. It started downwards the last presidential election cycle and now its just bot farm spam, people who like to argue and OF whores and hookers. Recently seen several post from the OF whores and hooker club that due to new TOS or upcoming TOS they'll likely need to find a new platform to spam their tits and ass on, and that makes me sad
  14. Twitter is completely useless for any type factual news now
  15. Smax


    Sure not like we haven't been down this road before... or I could just save the time and explain how you'll post some images and stories of atrocities the the Israelis have done that will be replied with atrocities that hamas and or hezbollah has done. This will go back for thousands of years and here we are
  16. lulz
  17. Have fun
  18. Houston calling another city a cesspool? Lulz I've lived in both, they are far more alike then they are different, Call Htown a cesspool IDGAF as I don't live there anymore hell i think the state is shitty its why I moved. Still love my Stros though, great memories exploring the dome as a kid
  19. Do you report to any of them ?
  20. And we will sweep you in that cesspool southern oklahoma like usual so we can clinch it at home
  21. How them yankees doing?
  22. 9 and 4 rangers but hey the Astros League Championship Series should be easier
  23. F Bomb Verlander, love it
  24. BOOM! Next
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