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Everything posted by Smax

  1. Agree, especially in RZ
  2. how was he not blocked? missed assignment?
  3. Swiss cheese D not a good call
  4. Great call
  5. I'd love to see stat on how often that screen play gains more than a couple of yards
  6. knee looks down
  7. Stared down the wr the entire time
  8. Alright, hand over your Texas card
  9. Agree, great story
  10. Not a fan something seems "off" about her
  11. Heres some foreign policy for you There is good and evil in this world The US has done some shady shit in its past The US has also done a lot of good in its past/present Russia is built on shady shit Trying to think of good things foreign policy wise Russia has done and I'm drawing a blank Invading a sovereign nation just because, which is what Russia did, is shady. Targeting civilian's is evil, kid napping children is evil Why should the good guys stand back and let innocent people die and become enslaved? What does that say about us if we do?
  12. Maybe I'm nitpicking here but the scene where the two tie fighters got within visual range of the Ahsokas ship was lazy witting. Why didn't their scanners pick them up, why didn't Ezra or Ahsoka not "sense" danger and we've seen that ship take hits from tie fighters over the multiple series and never sustain that kind of damage before. Just seemed odd as did the fight with Morgan The series was really good overall and I'm curious to see where Filoni takes it but Rosario is really showing Ahsokas age in light saber fights
  13. whoever it is is little bitch who is too chicken shit to post this nonsense from their actual account, but whatever the mere fact that someone went through the trouble of getting a new email to make this account to post about something the most have moved on from just shows how much the Astros and Houston are living rent free in this persons head. This makes all the sooners who go out and buy UT Longhorn stickers to place on upside down on their mobile homes seem sane
  14. I've brought this up in discussion with my gop family members when it comes up, also if there was oil in Ukraine, we'd have troops on the ground by now No beans in chili, food Nazis duh!
  15. on a pathetic excuse for a tortilla
  16. lsu should not be ranked
  17. JFC Sideshow Bob can you make a fucking field goal
  18. DB had a fist full of jersey there
  19. That was a bad half
  20. Wrong weve.actually won a title this century
  21. Good start, glad to see them come out focused and firing
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