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Posts posted by Smax

  1. 44 minutes ago, Macklemore said:

    Wrong. He is David Culley in a baseball uniform. Is he the entire reason why this team sucks — no but it’s clear he doesn’t have the chops to be a big league manager. This team is playing like shit and he is the easiest guy to fire. Crane can delude himself to think all will be well by replacing him. It won’t — nothing will get better as long as Dana is still the GM of this team. He isn’t smart enough for the job. Bring back the Ivy League baseball bros that we had with Luhnow.


    JFC you're an ignorant little bitch

    Espada is not the reason the pitching sucks, Espada is not the reason guys aren't seeing the ball and the batting sucks. His lineup may not be to our liking every day but these players are professionals and when put into position its on them to perform not Espada.

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