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Everything posted by Smax

  1. Alabama jumping in on the prosecution action https://www.al.com/news/2023/08/alabama-can-prosecute-those-who-help-women-travel-for-abortion-attorney-general-says.html
  2. Agree with you but the Darth Maul Qui gon and Obi scene was fantastic, just looked wow that film was 24 years ago. damn
  3. Gerrymandering and all his constituents care about is owning the libs, keeping their guns and propping up O&G
  4. an undisclosed location above Lady Bird Lake, Gov Abbott and a player to be named later?
  5. Yes I enjoy the variety of ships we see in the SW universe, and many you can see the evolution from earlier designs which is cool IMO, the fighters that the Shin Hati and Marrok flew reminded me of WW2 fighters. I'm thoroughly enjoying this series so far
  6. it was a line drive lol
  7. Says the guy who ether has a main account here and is too chicken shit to make this takes under his name or Has been banned previously and came back, made an account again to stir up shit
  8. Boss Hog is a "new" account pot stirring troll. so who do we think he is
  9. maybe if we didn't live in such a sexually repressive society.... this countries views on nudity and sex and fucked
  10. That ball was crushed
  11. 428 ova da monsta
  12. 230 kick off.... wonder how many heat related incidents will happen in the stands. Ya I know debbie downer but seriously who the hell does this time schedule and why do they hate us
  13. Ahh yes, when I think Detroit I think of humpback whales...
  14. I'm assuming since Asoka left the order, her being alive doesn't destroy the OT's "He's our only hope, no there is another" conversation between Yoda and Obi. But thinking back Yoda had to have known she was alive during the OT times. And where is Luke right now? With empire force wielding dark jedis/wannabe sith and inquisitors running around, you'd think someone within the Republic would let him know. Maybe he makes an appearance ala mando? Did anyone else notice at the beginning of the first episode, when the Lucafilm logo came on screen it shimmered red, its usually green
  15. keep tripping on their own dicks
  16. Fuck the yankeees
  17. Pay him
  18. Fyre 2 electric boogaloo
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