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Everything posted by Smax

  1. Who was that "interesting" poster from TOS that worked at Disney? and that escort is 🤮
  2. Hes having a great first half of the season
  3. Hate how they start with a man on second
  4. Tuve! Watching the twins broadcast and their announcers were talking about how astros fans on their feet because they expect Altuve to deliver like he has so many times in the past, crush
  5. No the Lamar location
  6. they may see it but they wont care because defaulting is "owning the libs" and that is all that matters now, the economy be damned. Mccarthy, The sporkfooted ditch pig and ged granny will get on tv/twitter and blame this on Biden not wanting to cut spending/the dems are evil, hey look lgbtq is targeting kids and the mouthbreathers will continue to eat their shit up because in their mind they are "winning" This whole thing disgust me and it doesn't look to get better anytime in the near future
  7. I just want to give a shout out to the chicken that graciously sacrificed herself prior to the start of the last homestand.
  8. Horn BBQ Oakland Ca Kinsmoke Healdsburg Ca Odell Craft Barbecue, Redding Ca ZZQ Texas Craft Barbeque, Richmond Va Somewhat hesitant to put this one up simply because its a chain but I've eaten at 2 of them and while its not destination BBQ, it was solid and hit the spot 4 Rivers smokehouse, Tampa
  9. Not a fan of the first amendment, I can see why Desantis is your guy. If he wins the nomination, he's going to be skull fucked in the election, the guy has minimal national appeal and will drive away the maga morons
  10. Ok Pena don't chase the sliders
  11. Please let that be the spark he needs
  12. I caught part of an interview the other week on npr and damn if I can't remember the person being interviewed but he is a historian/author who focuses on the settling of the west. He said the same thing, that image of the west being all gun fights and people walking around town carrying is mostly a myth. Not that it didn't happen on occasion but he went on to say that hollywood is mostly responsible for that image. The majority of towns and mining camps had a no gun policy/law, the gun fight in the OK Corral was The Earps enforcing a no carry law in Tombstone.
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