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Everything posted by Smax

  1. I'm driving down from Texarkana to Houston, anywhere worth checking out on the way?
  2. He loves this country because he can take advantage of everything from people, to the legal system and the media to make money and power but he most certainly does not love America in the sense of wanting her to be the shinning beacon of good/freedom and prosperity in the world. He doesn't love America in wanting what is best for her and her citizens, he wants what's best for trump. He is selfish focused in his life, everything has to be about and for trump.
  3. No he doesn't, he's a narcissist who only loves himself
  4. Not near a TV but I take it thjs is softballs for trump?
  5. This is what I've been thinking for awhile, not advocating, suggesting or inciting, just an observation
  6. greatest country in the world yo! 🙄
  7. Amazing how much help all these thoughts and prayers over the years have been
  8. Smax

    The Supremes

    guilty, every fucking one of them This country needs an enema
  9. So how does this get challenged?
  10. I dont even know .. wtf is , how do you combat this
  11. Smax

    The Supremes

    That is embarrassing but shows how tone death the court is, they all need to be replaced
  12. Smax

    2023 NFL DRAFT

    that suit color is hideous
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