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Everything posted by Smax

  1. If you don't know the facts of the moment, then STFU until they reveal themselves
  2. I have no issue with that, infact I think ALL social media should be banned in the US, they are not a net positive. Not going to happen I know but it will be the down fall of society as we know it and I'm not speaking in hyperbole. We are witnessing it now, we are being torn apart internally by foreign actors and it's going to get much much worse
  3. I say this after everyone of these, we need to ban ammunition and black powder. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't believe ammo is covered by the second
  4. The targeting of U.S. citizens with disinformation is a psyops campaign, I disagree about fines being higher if GDPR was in effect simply due to the cozy relationship between US intelligence agencies and US based social media companies. We saw the hearings after the CA/FB scandal but once the cameras were turned off and behind closed doors the intelligence committee told FB/Google/Twitter as long as you keep feeding us info its business as usual, quid pro quo type arrangement. If you look back over the past 15-20 years almost every "bad guy" we've caught and or killed was due to some information from a social media company, Google/FB/Insta/Twitter/Tiktok are the ultimate espionage tool and we and china would be fools not to use it. My assertion about the data not being the issue, statements about china building dossiers on all us citizens, social scores whatever, who cares all that info is already out there. What worries me is the manipulation of information/news. The numbers vary depending on source but I think we can all agree that upwards of 70% of people under the age of 25 in this country get their news from tiktok. It went from an ap with viral dancing, cinnamon challenge and thirst traps to now its a news source with no ties to US law. They can state anything they want and there is minimal to no recourse for blatant lies to users. Example, when Pelosi visited Taiwan last year, the majority of videos about this talked about it in a negative light. Media manipulation to 100 million + US citizen by a country that is our enemy is not good. China doesn't allow google facebook or twtiter in china, we shouldn't allow tiktok in the us. if they want it here have the company sale it, cash in their billons and let us manipulate our citizens with our own message
  5. Anyone who thinks this is about data privacy cant see the threes through the forest
  6. Once again, this isnt about harvesting data, that is a very simplistic way of looking at this
  7. Agree but I'm looking at this from the perspective of something along the lines of a Cia psyops team doing the messaging. I'm pretty sure the kids or people who are targeted won't know it. Just as I'm convinced that much of the social upheaval we are going through right now is due to outside/foreign forces manipulation on social media
  8. The gift of being the mayor of Houston is more than congress, who knew.
  9. It's not just about data collection, think about how the Chinese government getting more involved with the algorithm. Atweek here and there and anything pro freedom never comes up on a user's feed. A few more tweets and tiktocks about how America is bad a failure (yeah yeah we're kind in a shit state right now). Could much of this decent be tied to social media? Absolutely Ticktock is a propagandists wet dream, "you" have the undivided attention of over 100 million American, mostly young and very impressionable. Without a doubt, the Chinese government is involved.
  10. Hopefully we get some payback for the 91 cotton bowl
  11. but pale in comparison to shiner bock borracho beans
  12. Went back to Valentinas for a RDH but they threw a knockout, literally. Was good, but the chorizo was an overpowering flavor. RDH with queso though
  13. Smax

    Tex Mex

    Where are the bomb fajitas ? Anything like El Tiempo or no
  14. We got there at 1230 and it took about 45 mins
  15. I stopped by Intersteller today, had a daily special frito pie sausage, but was sold out by the time I made it to the counter, so I got a bowl of brisket chili to go, frito pie later
  16. Haven't bought but was here the other day and saw several picking up sacks. Stuffed Cajun Meat Market 12226 Ranch Rd 620 N, Austin, TX 78750
  17. Smax


    And then there is "we have oil we can survive.." If a split were to happen it wouldn't be amicably, all profitable pipelines flow north and the US controls them. No shipping is entering or leaving tue gulf of Mexico without the US navy's approval so now what Stupid dream by stupid people
  18. Smax


    Say its federal property? It is, just as is every piece of equipment on the base, every gun, ammunition, every tank, apc all US property. The soldiers stationed at said bases I would venture to say the majority of which are not from Texas so no allegiance to the state. But Bubba then chimes in about the Texas national guard, all of their equipment is owned the US government, none of it owned by the state of Texas. The notion of states succeeding from the US was settled with the civil war
  19. I'll chime in, yes the depositors should lose their money. Am I rooting for it, no but their ignorance or arrogance shouldn't be the tax payers fault
  20. yes you do, its phenomenal
  21. I thought it was $10 though not sure as we order a few of those and a few chorizo ones too. As you can see it's a nice full slice of tasty goodness
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