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Everything posted by Smax

  1. Thats a bit aggressive, lets settle on a different D running for President in 24
  2. Smax


    I dont watch award shows on the reg, but that had to have been the greatest 8-10 mins in Grammy history
  3. Smax


    was that willie d from the getto boys? wearin a stros hat too
  4. Smax


    What area of town? I don't live there anymore but loved Laredo taqueria on Washington, Brothers east of downtown never failed As for BBQ at dinner, Pinkertons maybe?
  5. The tres hombres is my go to
  6. Agree all humans can have a bias, remember the video of a big12 ref fist pumping when we scored a TD I believe it was against oklast in the early 2000's. But I think many of you are putting too much stock in that the big12 refs gives a shit one way or the other which teams are in the big12. Its likely some do but from 360 to HF to shaggy to here, there has been constant complaining about the refs are out to get Texas. So what's the reasoning for the prior 20 years?
  7. That was an incredible hour of television
  8. A little suspect but not as egregious as many here are making it to be, I just glanced but it appears we were within a few penalties of our opponents for most years. There were a few bad years but 2022 was not one of them. The first thing that comes to my mind is what is the most comment penalty called, I'd guess holding. How many offensive linemen have we had drafted over the last decade? Were there bad calls, I'm sure there are bad calls every game, watching the NFC championship game rn and there have been several, it happens. I'm of the mind that poor coaching choices, bad recruitment, entitlement and meddling donors are more to blame for the crap product then refs out to get us
  9. so youre saying there is some cabal within the big 12 and or big 12 refs out to get Texas.? Whats the reasoning? Everything is about money where is the money in keeping Texas down
  10. oh oh my now I'm convinced..... once again holding happens on every play, calls are missed on nearly every play, go to any school of your choosing forum like this and they can conjure up the same screenshots and same argument about how the refs are out to get them.
  11. This is so blown out of proportion, every team gets bad calls, you all are just hyper focused on everything going against us. The refs havent kept us basically irrelevant for over a decade
  12. more mass shootings then days in the year and all the gop is focused on is retaliatory investigations
  13. Reads like a fancy way of saying, it's a wormhole
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