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Everything posted by Smax

  1. This may belong in another thread IDK but with the fight for second amendment not looking like any headway will be made towards sensible control, why cant or don't the Dems ban ammo or tax the ever living shit out of it. Nothing in second amendment says anyone has a right to buy ammo make it extremally difficult if not impossible to acquire
  2. Back in Texas visiting family and went to the HEB on Bunkerhill (Houston) the other day and their inventory on several items was low. Half the fresh fish case was empty, like pandemic type levels. Is this new or have they had supply issues for awhile?
  3. Yeah I don't get it, they should be hammering him about being a liar and wtf hasn't one them interrupted when he says "he was elected to" saying no you weren't elected, a fictional character you made up was elected but you, George Santos was not elected. You lied about who you are and committed fraud. I can't believe all of this happening and it feels like its basically being swept under the rug. I don't think the GOP will remove him from office or hold another election because their lead is so narrow, politics above ethics. I do wonder if citizens in his district could file some sort of law suit? This whole thing is just fucking crazy
  4. I think its time to start giving them offensive capabilities
  5. Thats nice and all but if the dems are going to try and portray themselves as the good guys in all this, they need to stop tripping on their dicks and not alerting the public, news whoever about this till after the midterms is suspect. International or not it appears it was done to not impact the elections
  6. I saw an insta ad for a place in heights "5 lbs for $50!" fuck that. I'm with you, best to wait, plus you know they are tiny right now
  7. While true... this was a colossal fuck up by joe and his inner circle. We all just witnessed the shit show by the gop in the house, the ongoing shit show with trump. Now all the eyes are on this and the optics are bad. Cooperating, self reporting it doesn't matter, everytime I've turned on a news show the past few days I've seen the clip of Bidden saying how careless Trump was for allowing the docs to be removed, now Joe looks incompetent. Now we're hearing the docs were discovered a week before the primaries .. the Bidden admin has lost all moral high ground here.
  8. I'd rather be in the title game and lose then the bullshit we've had the past 13 years
  9. Jfc what the fuck with this split screen with the sideline douchebags
  10. There's DMAC take down notices, sent to the website, host and ISPs. There are services that content creators can subscribe to that run bots looking for NIL's of their clients and send out the letters.
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