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Posts posted by Smax

  1. Those upthread saying cell phones, I think you're stopping too short, its the internet. I'm a genx we had to develop face to face social skills, kids born in the internet age don't. They have chatroom, forums, games where all their peer to peer interaction is likes talking to an avatar and some fictional name. Now like what's been mentioned add in the the constant bombardment of porn, not just a hot naked girly magazine like we had, you can find just about anything to suit your needs and on top of that you can get it in 4k VR with options to order her around to do what you desire. 

    So now these guys who've been subjected to this for however many years, finally reaches the point where they want to court or meet a hook up and they have no idea how to talk to her, no idea how to flirt. Face to face interaction especially with the opposite sex requires keen signaling skills, body language interpretation being the biggest and when several generations of men whose only experience with the opposite sex is whatever porn they've been watching is a recipe for disaster. Not to mention the guy who is a 5 whose been watching porn with 10's for the past 3 years is under the delusion he can bag that 10 and when she shoots him down an incel is born.


    Woman have a part in this too, many 5s think they are 10s, "you go girl" female empowerment, know your worth and the availability that was once there for guys is no longer there. many of these woman see influencers on social media, traveling all over, having very nice things that they want and no teenage boy or early 20's guy is going to be able to afford buying his girl chanel or dior enter the sugar daddy..

    I'm high as fuck and just cracked open a bottle of wine so I'm probably rambling, I hope these are somewhat coherent thoughts as this subject is something I'm been thinking about lately, I recently started visiting reddit and the amount of threads by younger people on life dating virginly is astounding. A lot of pent frustration 

    Hope this made sense to some

    • Hook 'Em 8
  2. 2 hours ago, tx 3 putt said:

    Karen McDougal is damn hot 🔥🔥🔥


    Had a girlfriend of mine who was one of Playboys Houston area rep in the mid 90s early 00 and I met her a few times at events, she is one the hottest woman I've ever met

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    And then fine him a grand 



    This, the judge wont do anything to him that he cant just brush off. Just amazed how this guy has gone his entire life never having to face any consequences of his actions 

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  4. 2 hours ago, 'stache said:

    She has publicly described what his junk looks like, if he's going to deny sexual relations with her, it seems pretty obvious to me how to prove whether she's telling the truth, but please, please, please, no.



    • Haha 4
  5. 1 hour ago, 956 Worldwide said:

    F-16s aren’t quite F1 cars (that’s the F-35), but they’re for sure sports cars. Ukraine hasn’t had the infrastructure in place to keep them flying. It’s a multi year process to move to American fast jets for nations that aren’t at war. 

    Drop the condescension 

    The hold up, at least what was said initially by us /nato would training pilots, Ukraine sent over a number of pilots to retrain on the F16. That first class is set to graduate from Morris Air Force base here in the next week or 2. 

    It doesn't take a year to get 10 F16s up and running, not exactly sure what the hold up is. but sure seems weird to me.

  6. Just now, Snake Diggity said:

    Put a nail in it.  Starting to think the real missing link might be Strom.  Our pitchers fucking suck all of a sudden.



    Yeah I've wondered that myself but Az pitching isnt really tearing it up and doesn't explain the lack of hitting

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 12 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    Untold benefits? Really?

    Vietnam, the Iraq invasions, and our bumbled occupation of Afganistan have provided what benefits to whom?

    Do we count proxy wars and deadly campaigns to enthrone dictators throughout Latin America so we could exploit their resources before those people could? Sure, those countries generally didn't go communist, but was what we put in place really better?

    "At the end of the day, we're still speaking English" Post WW2, no English speaking countries were ever in danger or near danger. We did save Berlin, but that wasn't a war effort although war was risked. As part of WW2 we treated with the USSR to draw a boundary beyond which they were not to go. 

    "the dollar is the most sought after currency" Okay. Not sure how you can tie that to a successful war campaign in a foreign land since WW2

    "we still have the strongest military" At what cost? Our wars have been enormously costly to produce so little besides enormous debt; corrupt, bloated military budgeting; the ongoing costs of the (shamefully inadequate) care needed by veterans of our idiotic foreign campaigns named above.  I won't delve, but this pride in our strong military goes to the insecure adolescent mindset we've been encouraged to have; we're told we're a laughing stock or we appear weak, and the rubes in the cheap seats cheer sending in the tanks.

    "and most of the world still looks to us on just about everything."  And the world's in fine shape.

    • We destroyed the goodwill after 9/11 by invading Iraq for whatever "untold benefits" (not surprisingly untold) we got there.
    • We led the denial of the dangers of climate change which has become a climate emergency, and it's likely beyond halting now.  
    • The right-wing control of this country which is leading to fascism here has likely aided the rise of fascism in other countries whose leaders have often named Trump as an example. Further, we just had a president who is more interested in cozying up with non-free countries while demeaning, alienating, and losing the trust of our traditional allies.
    • The world does not look to us on healthcare provision, prison conditions, gun violence, fair application of the law, or making minor personal sacrifices for the good of everybody else. Who has the biggest pick-up in the office parking lot? I'll never give up some of my hamburger consumption to make the world better for my children. I'm teaching them to feel the same way!
    • The ongoing racism here and burgeoning sexism, sexualityism, and anything-you-do-is-my-business-ism are hardly lanterns in the dark to lead the world.

    Any organization or entity that devotes more time to self-congratulation than to honest self-appraisal is likely headed for disaster.

    Written without rancor.



    ok cool hook em!

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  8. 11 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    There is very little that you cannot justify with this logic. Grab the box and the jumper cables. The towel and board. Again at least you are honest about your perspective on American values.  

    yaaa more verbal diarrhea from some douche bag who thinks he's intelligent 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  9. 11 hours ago, Brian Fantana said:

    Wait, you genuinely believe living in the Middle East for a year means that your assertion is correct? I lived and worked in Riyadh for almost 2 years, so I guess my opinion is roughly twice as correct as yours. As I outrank you, I'm overruling your assertion.

    Just stop already. Even the most insanely Zionist Israeli historians, like Benny Morris for example, don't make this claim. It's a uniquely stupid one that is mostly peddled by Western Christians, who as other posters have said, have traditionally (and more recently) been a much bigger problem for Jews worldwide than Arab Muslims ever have been.


    Putting words in my mouth now, nice... 

    The only "claim" I made, is that ignoring all the history between the two is narrow minded and I stand by that. Don't like my opinion, well I don't really give a fuck

  10. 16 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Yeah, I am just going to reject your counterfactual. I know that many here will accept it uncritically. We're still speaking English! JFC. The petrodollar! Yeah, tell me all about the pariah state situation. But I do appreciate the fact that you at least quite clear in your view that the American way of life post-WWII is inseparable from endless war making and naked self-interest, long run consequences and thinking be damned, we'll just muddle through the blowback. I think that that kind of cut through it honesty is worthy of some praise.   

    Have to break a few eggs before you can make an omelette , the world is an ugly place man and alot shit happens behind the scenes that no one really wants to talk about to ensure we can live how we want.

    As long we are the ones on top, Im ok with that

  11. 1 hour ago, BrickHorn said:

    Well, I certainly hope it’s not yours.


    Not not at all just lived in the Middle East for a year and reading over you opinions on the matter I cant help but think Ramius telling Ryan "your conclusions are all wrong"

  12. 43 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

    You’re literally talking about ancient history. Things that happened over 1,000 years ago.

    The question isn’t whether those things happened; it’s whether they demonstrate a sustained conflict between Jews and Arabs of which the modern Israeli-Palestinian conflict can be understood as a mere continuation. That idea is ludicrous. It ignores the fact that the founders of Israel were European immigrants whose ancestors had lived outside the Levant (and thus had minimal to no contact with Arabs) for centuries, and the reasons those immigrants came in the first place. 

    If you’re looking to explain the situation in Palestine as a consequence of conflict with a rival religious group, 20th Century Christians are far more relevant than 7th Century Muslims. 



    lol ok you're not worth the effort man you're right, you're the middle east history expert here as this is your career and all 

  13. On 4/18/2024 at 11:10 PM, Anastasis said:


    Back in reality world both your children and mine have been raised in world where the US has been engaged in war for the entirety of their lives. Maybe you don't favor the reality, but that doesn't change the reality. And it's hard to connect the dots between your rhetoric and aspirations and reality when you stand behind all of those wars in real time during the run up and the barking sounds a lot like warmongers like john bolton. 


    My children and yours have reaped untold benefits from all of those "wars", can you imagine how different the world would be right now if the US sunk back into a non intervention reclusive country post WW2. Did we screw up over that time, yeah we sure as hell did but we also got some things right and at the end of the day, we're still speaking English, the dollar is the most sought after currency, we still have the strongest military and most of the world still looks to us on just about everything. 

    None of that would be possible if we didn't stick our nose in other peoples business to try and shape the world in our favor

    • Hook 'Em 5
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  14. 25 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

    That’s all hand-wavy bullshit. There’s no substance to this idea that Jews and Muslims have always been at odds, vying for control of the Middle East.

    Jews were replaced as the majority in Palestine in the 5th century AD, by Christians. Christians were, in turn, surpassed by Muslims. For centuries, Jewish people formed a tiny minority in Palestine, amounting to somewhere in the range of 1-3% of the population. They just weren’t a significant part of the region’s demographics or history during that lengthy period, which only began to change in the late 1800s. 

    It would be like if Aztecs had fled en masse to Europe, established themselves as Europeans, intermarried for centuries, but kept worshipping Quetzalcoatl and speaking Nahuatl as a second language. If their ancestors started immigrating to Mexico in 2400 and violence broke out between Aztecs and Spanish-speaking Mexicans, would it be fair to justify the situation with a shrug and a cliche like “Well, the Aztecs and Spaniards have been fighting back and forth forever, so whaddya gonna do?”

    That would be stupid, right?

    I mean, hell, you could use the same argument to justify war between Israel and any Western nation, since certainly Christians committed grave atrocities against the Jews throughout history (and far more recently than any Muslim-perpetrated aggression).

    It’s bad history and bad logic, and it ends up causing otherwise intelligent people to stop thinking critically about current events. 


    hand wavy bullshit? LOL, there is historical documentation of Arabs under muhammed attacking jewish settlements throughout the Arabian peninsula, the battle of uhud being one of the first.

    Why did the Aztecs errr Jews flee en mass to another continent? Constant harrassment maybe? being labeled a dhimmi and having to pay a jizyah, you glossed over SO many important events that helped shape all of these feelings over a span 2000 year, so hand wavy bullshit, no not at all

     like my post above said you can not just gloss over and dismiss the history of the area, its narrow minded

  15. 13 hours ago, Anastasis said:

    UW, I know that you are a sincere poster coming from a good place at heart. This above is wrong headed though. With sincerity, I would like to suggest a couple books that I think you might enjoy and would find some interesting perspective. I'd be happy to send you either one or both. 






    Thanks for recs but come on everything is written with a slanted view. I  tend to agree with UW view of this, yes this current conflict can be traced to the creation of Israel by Western powers, but prior to that jews and muslims were not all kumbya holding hands everything great buddy. Yes there were times of "peace" but whichever sect was ruling was happy, the others were not, throughout history muslims have committed genocide to jews (and vice versa), it was one the first acts muhammed did when he came to power.

    I think anyone who is jumping on UW or anyone else for mentioning the history between the two tribes and saying this only because of the creation of Israel and ignoring the deep seated animosity built up over the centuries is being naive and or ignorant. History is what shapes us and many of you are way too intelligent to ignore the history of jews and muslims and view this current conflict in a vacuum


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