I know Sark didn't want this to be a rebuild, at least not publically, but that is what he has. I take issue if he saw it and didn't temper expectations, but he also was hired in January and didn't get to really view the team until the Spring. That still should have been enough time to get into the portal to get some need positions filled. "All Gas. No Brakes." is a nice thought, but we just don't have the guys we need to build any type of team worthy of competing.
To me this team has a leadership problem. It starts with the head coach for sure, but you also need guys on the field that can echo that leadership during the games and keep guys accountable. This is where you see Texas fail during the games. Sark gets them ready for that first half during prep and practices, but the players just go out flat AF during the game and they have a loser mentality that kills their drive at the first sign of adversity. You could feel it in the Cotton Bowl and you can feel it every game since. Like a dude that just started taking boner pills, our (team) confidence is at 0.
Casey Studdard pointed out something this morning that is also troubling. The fact that our Oline has no perceivable attitude about the game or the person they are playing against whatsoever cannot even be described as football. Those guys are supposed to be nasty and fired up to be blocking for a "Heisman" like RB in Bijan, but they seem to not give a shit. Team full of pride-less pussies, ready to get pushed around and prodded until they turn into a broken dam allowing free reign. How those guys walk into the football complex and aren't embarrassed to show their faces is beyond me.