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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Droopy

  1. I'm going to spend my Saturday doing something else, instead of watching this poorly coached, poorly talented team, and choosing to spend my time and money on something else more enjoyable. The sad part of it all is really, when enough of us all band together to do the same and avoid giving our time and money to this football program, the powers that be will take notice..., and completely miss the point and we will be back in this same shape wondering why those dipshits still can't figure out what's going on. Football is it's own animal, and separate from UT Athletics, in my eyes. I find it comical, how other smaller market/conference teams can get up to pound us senseless, regardless of how much "talent" Texas has or the scheme we run, yet Texas can't field a team that gives a shit for more than 1.5 quarters of a game. The program is broken. We have teams rolling us that couldn't sniff our two-deep 10-12 years ago. We aren't even competitive, and that was my only ask for the new coaching staff. I wasn't looking for championships, I wanted a team that looks like they can win each game, regardless of them doing so. It's mental at this point. Can we please get the shrink from Ted Lasso to visit our team/coaches and get back to "Football is life!"
  2. On. Motherfucking. Point.
  3. Aggy literally said the exact same thing about Texas in 2004 and 2005. They are rolling and trending way up. We are Michigan and falling. Shit needs to change fucking fast.
  4. Just checking in to say that I’ve decided to watch the game. I haven’t watched in 2 weeks, so this is a big step in my therapy. 🖕🏼🌪 🤘🏼📯📯
  5. Hope. It can drive a (wo)man crazy inside. I've done this and it was fun. Watch your nuts, though.
  6. That video is badass and happy for the guy. Hook'em, Jamel.
  7. “Throw it to Jack! Hahaha.”
  8. User name checks out.
  9. Yeah, my post was more aimed coaches/writers/fans in general, and I agree with your statement.
  10. Too much Gas on O, not enough Brakes on D.
  11. You point is taken, but Kwame Cavil says, “Hi.”
  12. This shit is the fucking worst excuse mantra vomited out by losers if there ever was one. I also realize it’s just lip service, but you can say that about undefeated teams as well. That’s the game of football. Every game comes down to 1 or 2 plays. “Ugh, man! If we could’ve only caught that touchdown pass in the first half, we’d have won instead of losing by 4pts!” Yeah, no shit, asshole.
  14. But, I’m not.
  15. Hey, man. I didn't burn all my gear and talk shit about the team I love so much to strangers. Instead of driving to see my 4th game of the season, I'm choosing to spend my time doing something that brings me joy instead of living and dying with each game. I love and hate the fact that I spend all off-season debating on the kool-aid and if it's going to be real this time or a bunch of dry sand. I knew we had a likely, 7-5 to 9-3 team, but watching them lose still stings. I still have all my home game tickets and still plan on going to the games, but can I not spend one Saturday without the mind numbing pain of seeing my team get it's shit pushed in or run like a corvette missing 2 spark plugs? Honestly, It's more of a mental health check for myself. Losing to OU and OSU the way we did was a physical beating that culminated in my reckless abandon for my own "life and limbs" having gotten so smashed I forgot where I was and what I was doing while playing disc golf in a local park. I was by myself and there's no reason for that just because our team lost, yet there I was. At the end of the day, I'm here, right? We all are, and no one gives a shit if any poster does or does not go to all of the games. Respectfully, suck my fair weather dick, Mark.
  16. I'm waking up early, going fishing by myself and will check the score when I get home around 3p on Saturday. Can't watch them right now. 🤘
  17. Is it piss or what?
  18. Droopy


    Got some new Romulus. It’s pretty, pretty, prettay good.
  19. Droopy


    Man, I appreciate y’all with the deep knowledge, but right now… I am so high on a new strain I can barely type this message. Fucking high on ”Rhodesia”.
  20. It's another big snek.
  21. Casey Thompson fucking sucks. Laughable you fuckers thought he should have started over Sam. What a joke.
  22. Sweet, sweet baby Jesus… I know I’m super duper high rn, but if you could find it in your heart to make sure the Longhorns win tomorrow, I’d super duper appreciate it. 🤘🏼😎
  23. Wow. When I get drunk and the wife says I’ve had enough, that little kid rounds the corner in my brain.
  24. That’s sex too, Bill. A guy’s dick will take him to places he normally wouldn’t go to without a loaded gun. - Bill Burr
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